Thursday, October 13, 2016

Five on Friday - October 14, 2016

Woo Hoo -- it's the weekend my friends!!  It's hard for me to hide my excitement.  It's been a lllloooonnnngggg week and I am longing for a little bit of a break.  

Want to see my five for today?  Well, here they are~

1.  Bangle from Frou Frou & Frill
Last Saturday morning I had the luxury of laying in bed for a while and reading some blogs.  I ran across a blog that mentioned these bangles from Frou Frou and Frill.  It was love at first site.  Just look how adorable they are!  They have a tons of cool things, including more bracelets ~ but they also have a whole line of game day bangles.  How fun would it be to give a friend a bangle in the colors of her favorite team!?!  I personally am not necessarily a Texas A&M fan, but I do love, love, love this bracelet.
Texas A&M maroon bangle set
2. Chipotle Deal
Okay ~ I'm not usually one to share deals with you, but this one just touched my heart (well, my stomach really).  Chipotle is in the midst of this super cool deal.  Pop over HERE, play a little game and then Chipotle will text you a buy one, get one free entree item message.  You don't even have to win the game -- just play!  Limit one offer per person and per mobile number while supplies last.  Gotta love free Chipotle!  Grab all the cell phones in your house, play and win.  
Image result for chipotle
3.  This Is Us
I'm so excited about this new show - This Is Us.  We hopped by bandwagon of This Is Us show lovers and haven't looked back.  Seriously, you really need to give this show a try if you haven't.  This Is Us airs on NBC Tuesdays at 9/8 central.  The season is three shows in and with each episode there are twists and turns that just keep you hooked.  This dramedy stars Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia and Sterling K. Brown.  Are you watching?  What do you think of it?

                            Image result

4.  National Dessert Day
Guess what today is!?!  It's National Dessert Day!  Time to celebrate!  What's your favorite dessert?  I honestly don't know what my favorite is.  Check out my "Recipes" tab at the top of this page for some of the desserts I've made and shared with you.  Guess I need to try more to be able to pick one.  

National Dessert Day October 14

5.  Notice to my friends...

If you can't handle me at my worst:

Enjoy the weekend!  I'm helping with a wedding next weekend so this weekend is packed with all kinds of crafting.  I also have some decorations to make for a baby shower that's happening next Friday.  So many fun things to do!  Hope your weekend is full of things that are fun for you.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I would really love to see that show - hope it will be available sometime here in Germany as well.
    Have a fab weekend, Penny xxx

  2. I love love love This is Us and everyone at my work is watching it so Wednesdays lunch time is chock full of discussion on it.

  3. My friend Holly received her scarf from Frou and Frill and she loved those same bangles!!

  4. Love that meme! I feel like I need to make a tshirt with that on it. LOL.

    Thanks for sharing the Chipotle love. I played and just won a free entrée that my hubby and I will use after I climb the CN Tower on October 23 (1,815.4 ft!!!), so thank you muchly my dear! :)

    Have a wonderfully relaxing weekend Penny!

  5. LOL with that meme...Oh off to try that Chipotle thing, and This is US i the best show right now! I'm hoping they can keep the momentum going and not disappoint us half way through the season. The best part is Mr. is totally into it too! Happy Weekend!

  6. Happy Friday! I got the Chipotle coupon yesterday too and was super happy ha :)

  7. Thanks so much for sharing the Chipotle deal and the so important day it is today— can't believe I did not know! Gotta make something now.. Although it'd me nicer if somebody else makes it for me :p and LOVE that notice to friends!

    P.S. Join our gratitude linkup here: Here I Scribble

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  8. I'm right there with you as a devoted viewer of This is Us. I tweet during the show's commercials and connect with new folks.
    It gets me to tears ever.friggin.episode!

  9. OMG, that meme at the end is HILARIOUS! LOLOLOL!!!

    This is Us. I can't even with this show--I just love it. Also can't watch with a dry eye. Sniffs.

    And thanks for the reminder to use my Chipotle deal! Played the game the other day :)

  10. Aren't those bangles THE BEST?! And, it's ok - you can totally become an Aggie fan! ;) We love bringing others over to our side! Gig 'em!
