Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - October 27, 2016

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday! Thanks for popping in to join me and Vanessa from X-tremely V for our little linkup party.

Is anyone else shocked that today is Thursday already?!?  After my whirlwind week last week preparing for the wedding on Friday, this week has been total catch up.  But I can't quite stop thinking about the wedding and all the stuff that went along with it.

I'm a little lot disappointed in myself for my lack of thinking like a blogger last week.  I didn't do a good job AT ALL documenting my activities in photographs.  There was no remorse at the time, but now I'm feeling a little sad about it.  All the little details I spent hours working on for the wedding is just a memory in my head right now.  Hopefully pictures will start surfacing of some of the little extras like the placecards on the head table, the Mr. and Mrs. signs on the bride and groom's chairs at the reception, etc., etc. 

But besides the actual wedding stuff, I'm also thinking about the week in general.  On Monday night I called my friend Tracy in a mild panic because we were having family pictures taken on Saturday and I could not find a necklace to wear with my dress.  Every other night my calendar was full and Monday was the only day I had to shop for the needed jewelry.  After scouring five stores - nothing.  I called Tracy on my way out of the mall, explained my situation hoping she would be able to pull something out of her closet for me to borrow.  She calmly told me to get home and start working on wedding stuff and she would take care of my jewelry issue.  Take care of it she did!  A few hours later she was standing in my kitchen with multiple options that were perfect.  We chose what we thought was the best thing and she returned the rest.  Now that's a true friend!  It's not the first time she saved my bacon and, knowing me, I'm sure it won't be the last.  Love you Tracy!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Me and my friend Tracy
Speaking of not having enough time to shop ~ week before last I started thinking that I might not have time to get a dress for the wedding so I tossed caution to the wind and bought a dress off Amazon using our Prime account.  Hadn't done that before and it paid off BIG!  I seriously don't know what I would do without Prime.  Click below if you want to give it a try.

Two days after I found this dress on Amazon, it was in my possession and I was trying it on in my bedroom.  Maybe I just got lucky this time, but I'll take it!  Loved the dress!  The quality is great and it fit wonderfully.  Saved me a ton of time and money (it was only $31.50).  Yes, I'll be doing that again.  Have you ever bought clothes off of Amazon?

I don't look as good as the model, but here's the dress on me ~

That's enough of what I'm thinking about this week.  Now it's your turn!  Link up and share what's happening with you.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. That dress is adorable and you absolutely do look as good as the model! :) I love the sleeves!

  2. I like the dress and you look great in it. Kudos to you for picking out a dress online and it turning out great for you. I never have that luck. I always need to go in a store and try stuff on.

  3. I LOVE Amazon Prime. I recently bought my daughter's homecoming dress from Amazon. No complaints!

    P.S. I get pretty apathetic about taking pics for my blog, and I totally kick myself for it later. Ha!

  4. I'm like you, I'm so horrible at taking pics for my blog. But sometimes that's okay. It's good to be in the moment instead of obsessing over the perfect shot. The wedding looks beautiful and I'm totally looking into trying out Prime soon :)

  5. The dress is gorgeous! I can't believe it's Thursday either, but I'm also totally not complaining because it's actually my Friday since I'm using some paid time off from work before the busy season hits and I lose it for the year! Hello 3 day weekends for the next few weeks!

  6. Never bought clothes off of amazon but now its like why not?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Amazon fashion sure has gotten so much better over last year or so— I have gotten a few dresses from there :) That dress looks great on you btw. Love the color!

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  9. So cute, and what a great friend! So weird, when I came here this morning, it said your website was gone...weird!

  10. I love that dress! It looks great on you!

  11. You look beautiful! Sounds like you've got quite the friend in awesome. I hope some pictures do surface because I'd love to see everything.

  12. I'm sorry that you didn't get the pictures you wanted, but I hope the wedding went well! Thanks for sharing at the Grace + Lace Linkup!
