Monday, February 25, 2019

Weekending - February 22, 2019

Happy Monday!  I've got a bit of an Oscar hangover this morning.  I was up past my bedtime watching all the stars enjoying their evening.  But it was so worth it!

I took a vacation day on Friday and worked around the house until my friend Linda rolled into town in the afternoon.  We were planning to celebrate everything Oscar so I decided to doll up the house a bit with some Oscar decorations.

Since Friday was National Margarita Day, we immediately headed to Chevy's to celebrate the holiday.  Never waste a reason to enjoy a margarita!

Movies were the theme of the weekend and we watched a total of five before the Oscars aired Sunday night.  Friday night we checked BlacKkKlansman.  The best picture nominated film was one neither of us had seen and was available on Amazon.  I found it to be entertaining, but didn't see it winning in the Best Picture category.

Image result for blackkklansman

During the course of the night, Linda got a call that one of her dear friends who was bravely battling cancer had fallen into a coma and didn't have much longer here with us.  A life leaving us way too soon.  Another example of why we should live each day to the fullest because we truly never know when our time here will end.  She and her family were in our thoughts and prayers throughout the weekend.  I'll be keeping Linda in my prayers because I know what it's like to say goodbye to a close friend way before you should have to.  Please hug your friends and tell them how much they mean to you.  You never know what the future will hold and when it will be too late to tell them what they mean to you.

Saturday we added The Wife to our watch list.  Eric and I had seen it, but Linda hadn't and we definitely liked it enough to see it a second time.  This movie seemed to disappear from our theaters really fast so we had rented it from Amazon.  We totally understood why Glenn Close was nominated for Actress in a Leading Role.  Overall, we loved this movie!  If you haven't seen it, definitely worth adding to your list.

Image result for the wife

Ian and Kayla popped in before we had to leave for our dinner reservations and we were able to work in playing a couple games of Splendor and Qwixx.  Both fun games!

When we got home from dinner at Cooper's Hawk, we settled back into our seats on the couch to watch Can You Ever Forgive Me?  Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant play out the tale of Lee Israel's forging and selling personal letters from celebrities.  We like this one too and I would suggest adding it to your list of you've not seen it.

Image result for can you ever forgive me

Before calling it a night, we got in one more movie - First Man.  I think Eric liked this movie more than Linda and I did.  Honestly, it wasn't one of my favorites.  Did you see it?  Like it?

Image result for first man

Sunday morning we tried the chocolate croissants from Trader's Joe at the suggestion of my daughter-in-law.  OH.MY.GOODNESS!  They were perfection!  So glad Kayla mentioned them and we will definitely be having these again.  Kept in the freezer, you set them out the night before and let them rise for 9 hours.  Then pop them in the oven for 20-25 minutes and they are ready to go.  YUM!

Linda and I scooted out of the house early to catch Green Book at the theater.  So worth a second watch!  Can totally, totally understand why this was chosen as the 2019 Best Picture.  This movie made us laugh, brought us to tears and held every emotion in between.  Loved it!

Image result for green book

After doing a little shopping (and you should see the fabulous mirror I bought!) we were in our sweats and on the couch by 2:30 pm to settle in for the Oscars.  No joke - we set up a card table in the family room, piled it with food and had the best evening.  We even watched the after party coverage on E!.  Hope this becomes a tradition for us!

Now it's Monday and I'm sad the fun weekend is over.  The good news is we have another fun weekend coming up in a few days that I need to get ready for.  Pop back in later and I'll fill you in on what we're doing!

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  1. Sounds like a really good time. I am planning on watching Green Book and Can you Ever Forgive me this week!

  2. What a great weekend! I did not watch the Oscars and I have not seen any of those movies! Ha - I am soooo behind in entertainment affairs! HA

  3. I need to catch up on my movies!

  4. What a fun weekend. I love your movie decor. I'm so sorry to hear about Linda's friend. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  5. I love the way you decorated for the Oscars. I agree that we have to live each day like its our last, because you just never know. Those chocolate croissants look to die for! Hope you have a great week!

  6. So like a fabulous weekend! I liked First Man, but I'm interested in NASA abd stuff like that. So sorry to hear about your friend's friend.

  7. That sounds like a great tradition. I just love how you celebrate all the things!! We need to catch up on quite a few of those movies. Hope you have an amazing week!!

  8. That chocolate croissant looks so yummy!
