Monday, December 14, 2020

Weekending - December 11, 2020

Happy Monday!  My weekending posts have been pretty hit or miss lately because, frankly, I just haven't been taking a lot of pictures on the weekend.  This weekend was no different with the lack of pictures, but I thought I'd do a little recap anyway.

We have already used our gas fireplace more this year than I think we did the entire winter last year.  And I don't see us stopping any time soon!  If we are in the family room, chances are the fireplace is on.  So for most of the weekend, this was my view.

Sparkey the Elf has been regularly appearing for Eric (my husband).  He's gotten a kick out of finding him every day and, in turn, I get a kick out of his excitement.  Win - Win!  Here's how Sparkey showed up this weekend ~




A while back I mentioned that I was coordinating a donation for a senior living facility near our subdivision.  My thought was our subdivision could adopt the facility and provide the residents some holiday cheer.  I put a request on our neighborhood Facebook page for donations of movie candy, tissues, and a card.  Many of the kids made homemade cards, which I'm sure the residents will LOVE!  The neighbors came through in a huge way!  We loaded up the donations and will be dropping them off today.  I'll be coordinating a similar type of donation around Valentine's Day and then again for Grandparents Day.  If you're looking for a feel-good activity, this one is a winner!  Many senior care facilities are located near subdivisions.  Take one on and get your neighbors involved.  

Saturday evening I went to my son and daughter-in-law's house to make some holiday gifts.  We sat 6 feet apart and wore masks just to be on the safe side.  It was so fun spending that time with them!  I would love to show you our finished product, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for the couple of friends I'm giving them to.  

Sunday morning I got up and made Raspberry and White Chocolate Scones.  They were yummy, but I still think my favorites are the Cherry Vanilla ones I blogged about HERE.

The afternoon was spent watching football.  The Chiefs made it interesting for a minute, but thank goodness were able to grab the win!

Last night we rented the newly released movie, Wild Mountain Thyme.  It's quirky and fun.  It actually felt like a good movie you would see in the theater.  Glad we bit the bullet and spent the $20 to rent it.  

This week I really need to work on getting our Christmas cards in the mail.  I decided to make them this year instead of doing our normal picture ones.  Now I have pieces and parts strung all over the place!  Assembly needs to happen this week!  :)

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.  See you back here soon!


  1. What a beautiful weekend view! Those raspberry and white chocolate scones sound amazing.

  2. Glad to see your review of Wild Mountain Thyme. I think it actually opened in our theater. But maybe we should buy the popcorn, bring it home and watch the movie here.

    Thank you so much for adopting a senior complex. My mother's complex has had such a struggle trying to keep everyone well and from going stir crazy during this pandemic. She is locked up in her apartment now and the complex kitchen and dining room are closed. They are bringing in meals like pizza, McMuffins. Pitiful. And here I am 1500 miles away and can't do anything to help. But my brother lives around the corner from her and he can't help either. Oh, will this ever be over.

  3. You have seriously inspired me to do this for Keith next christmas season!
