Thursday, July 1, 2021

Five on Friday - July 2, 2021

Who is ready for a holiday weekend?!?  We most certainly are!  Let's kick it off with my five for today ~

1.  Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cookies
Pillsbury added an item to their collection - Cinnamon Toast Crunch cookie dough!  That's right - that yummy taste you get in the cereal is now in a cookie version.  The limited-edition cookie dough comes in 12 large pieces and it's safe to eat raw.  All I can say is - YUM!

2.  Bonine
We are doing some traveling this week so I've loaded up on my favorite motion sickness medicine.  Ever since I was introduced to Bonine, we've kept a supply on hand.  One dose lasts up to 24 hours, so you can take it 1 hour before you head out and you are good to go for an entire day.  I use it when we are going in a car or airplane.  This stuff has made traveling so much more fun!  

I recently came across these little packs of Clorox wipes.  Each pack has 9 wipes inside and are the perfect little things to pop in your travel bag.  Pre-Covid I was not one to totally wipe down everything before I touched it.  Now - not so much.  I'm looking forward to having these with me when we travel so if I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable about the cleanliness of something, I can just whip out my wipes and give it a quick swipe.  

4.  Stock Up Sales
It's that time of year - the Annual Liter Sale at Beauty Brands is happening right now.  Stock up on all your favs for only $15.98 a liter.  While you're there, select Tarte mascara is also on sale for $13.80 through July 4.  Speaking of stocking up, Bath & Body Works is having their semi-annual sale right now too.  We popped in there this week and I was able to grab some of my favorite shower gel for only $3.25 a bottle.  Crazy good price!
5.  Lately...

Okay guys - have a wonderful weekend!  We are joyfully packing for vacation today and are so excited to be heading to Disney World for a few days.  Follow all our shenanigans on Instagram!  


  1. I take Bonine before I fly--it works every time!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Have a wonderful weekend at Disney World!

  3. I took those wipes with us on our travels. They are awesome!

    Have a great trip! If you're flying southwest, have lots of patience. We had to coming home from aruba.

  4. Cannot wait to share with my daughter that her favorite cereal is now a cookie mix!! She is going to be ecstatic. I think I will get a package for her birthday!!
