Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's a good day when.....

=It's A Good Day Linkup

Hey everybody -- I'm linking up with some folks today to talk about what makes a good day.  Honestly, today's a pretty ordinary day for me but thinking about what makes a good day put a smile on my face.

Here's a few of my thoughts on it's a good day when.....

You wake up hearing the ocean and know your feet will be in the sand as soon as you walk outside.
A friend calls to schedule a girls night out.
A water main breaks near your office and they call off work for the day.  And the repair part for the said water main break doesn't come in and they tell you to take the rest of the week off.  (BTW -- this has never and will probably never happen to me.  Just sayin').
You have concert tickets for an outdoor venue and it's an absolutely beautiful day.
Someone you know gets an incredible honor that they truly deserve. 
A work friend surprises you with your favorite bagel for breakfast.
You're home recuperating and friends bring you food.
A surprise bouquet of flowers arrive from a secret admirer.
Upon opening the mailbox, you see there's an actual handwritten note or card for you. 
You pull into the parking lot at work and see the number one parking spot is open.
Someone else makes the bed (thanks Eric -- you know I LOVE when you do this).

Hope you're having a great day!!  Would love to hear some of your "good day" happenings.

1 comment:

  1. Is there anything more lovely than a handwritten note?! I wouldn't know about someone else making the bed for me - that doesn't happen in this house! ;-)
    Thanks for linking-up!
