Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - February 19, 2015

Hello!  Here we are at Thursday before the Oscars and I'm busy in my mind trying to pull my Oscar Party together.  If you don't mind, I'm going to do a little thinking out loud about the party.  Over the years, I've had several Oscar parties so I know the lay of the land, but still need to mentally think through all the logistics of Sunday night.  This is one party I love to throw -- sitting around eating great appetizers with my friends, being catty watching the red carpet is always a good time!

At the time of publishing this post, I've seen six of the eight best picture nominated films.  My favorite for best picture right now is a close race between The Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game.  Selma has dropped out of many theaters near us so I'm going to have to do some searching to see it and Whiplash is on my agenda for Friday night.  Has anyone seen all eight movies?  Which are your favorites?  I know everyone is saying Birdman is the front runner, but I just didn't love it.

American Sniper
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything

If you're thinking of having a little Oscar-themed soiree, some of the below items might help you out.

First -- everyone needs a ballot.  Not only does it help answer questions like "who is up for best actor", but it also is fun to see if you can guess the winners correctly.  Sugar and Charm has this adorable free printable.  Even if you're watching alone or with your roommate, this is a fun thing to print out and have handy.


To have a little fun while watching (and to keep you focused on the actual award ceremony), here's a printable Oscar Bingo card.  Over at, you can find this cute set of 15 bingo cards for you and all your guests.  
                                                     Printable Oscar Bingo for your Academy Awards party!

I'm still working on my menu and decorations.  Thankfully I have this crew coming over on Saturday to help me set up.  They are the best friends ever and I'm looking forward to the set up as much as I am the actual party.  You know how fun pre-parties can be!!

So that's my thoughts for today.  I'll show you the end result next week!  Don't forget to link up and share with me and Vanessa from X-tremely V what you're Thinking Out Loud about -- we'd love to hear from you.
                                               X-tremely V

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Sounds like a fun time. I am not much of an Oscar fan, other than seeing what they are wearing, most of the time I just can't seem to stay up that late. Have a great time, can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  2. An Oscars party sounds fun. Maybe I should try to catch up on these movies...I've only seen one of the Best Picture nominees (The Imitation Game).

  3. Looks like so much fun!!! I love the Bingo idea! I've only seen ONE of the movies though (Boyhood, which I loved) ... my favorite part is the red carpet though anyway :)

  4. I would so love to attend or even throw an Oscar party at home with my girls but getting us together (we on 3 continents) is hard. I have seen birdman and i slept through it best sleep ever

  5. Wow, how cool! I've never been to or hosted an Oscar party, but now I think I want to. Looks like you have all of the right ideas too. I love the ballots! I have not seen any of the nominated movies though :-(

  6. I still need to see Boyhood! That and the Grand Budapest Hotel are the only ones I'm super excited for. I love the bingo idea. Lol!

  7. Wow an Oscars party sounds really fun! I love the ballot idea!! So cute!

  8. I love themed parties! I need to do this sometime. We just bought a house so I need furniture before I start hosting. I hope you can instagram some of your appetizers! I'd heart them because I love food! If you'd like to say hi, please email me at because I'm "no-reply" and I'm not going to fix it any more. Esther Norine Designs

  9. I've always seen bloggers have really fun oscar parties. I've never been to one! Nor do I have cable TV so I can't go inviting my friends over to watch it either lol :( Sad!

  10. I have never had an Oscar party, but that could be a lot of fun! I am sorry to say, that I haven't seen ANY of the best picture nominees!

  11. I have never had an Oscar party!! I am not sure if I will watch this year but I would go to an Oscar party!! Sound like you will have a ton of fun!

  12. An Oscar's party looks fun with friends. As for me I can't wait to watch it. I know that there will be a lot of surprises this year.

  13. This was interesting. I don't watch the Oscars, but a little party with friends always sounds fun!

  14. How fun! I love to watch the Oscars ordinarily, but I was not impressed with most of the nominated films/actors this year. I really loved 3 of them, and the rest were just...meh... I love idea of a party, but I probably won't watch the awards this year.

  15. I am so out of it, I have not heard any of these movies! I need to get on the ball!

  16. Omg these are some fabulous games to play!!! I feel so outta the loop this year though because I haven't seen a lot of the films :-/

  17. I haven't seen any of these movies! I still want to come to your party though - sounds like lots of fun!

  18. Even though my husband works in the movie industry, the day is still yet to come where we stay awake long enough to make it to the ending of the Oscars itself. Not to mention I haven't heard of a few of the movies being nominated :( #Clueless

  19. Love this, thanks for the resources, we don't usually go all out but I do like these ideas!! I have not seen any of the movies either! lol Still watching though!!

  20. What a great idea! I love themed parties.I would be lost at an Oscars party though, since I rarely go to movies. I always see them a few years later on TV.

  21. Sounds like a fun game to play during the Oscars. I don't think I've actually ever watched these before.

  22. Wow, I have never heard of an Oscar party...I'm probably just sheltered lol, but this sounds so fun! I love the ballots, they are so cute. I rarely catch the Oscars, and hardly ever know who is up for what award,, I'm always out of the loop. I usually just catch the best/worst dressed of everything the next day lol. I'm sure your party was a big success!! Thanks for sharing! #shinebloghop
