Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekending -- And the Oscar goes to...

What a whirlwind of a weekend!  It was a great one -- mostly spent getting ready for the Oscar party we had at my house.  Did you guys watch?  What did you think of NPH?!?

Friday night we had hopes of seeing Whiplash -- but mother nature had different plans.  It was sounding like the weather was going to get cold and icy, so we decided to stay home instead of going out.  Good choice!  Around 6:30 pm the rain started coming down and the roads began getting slick.  Luckily, it warmed up enough on Saturday that by noon the road were back to a normal state and we could carry on with our normal business.

The girls were coming over Saturday afternoon to help prepare for the Oscar party.  Thank goodness for these guys!!  They helped so much with all the prep.  The party wouldn't have been the same without their help.

We had a great time putting everything together.  After getting things in order, we decided to head to a new restaurant in our area -- Peel.  We had visited Peel in Edwardsville before, but some of us hadn't been to the O'fallon location.  This place has fantastic wood fired pizza.  The salads are great too.  I really need to venture out on their menu and try some different things, but the pizza and salad are so good I always end up getting that.


Sunday was more prep for the party.  The rest of the post is going to be photo heavy.  The party was a blast and I'm so glad many of my friends got to come by.  Let's take a look.

Every Oscar party needs a red carpet!  Also a must -- a ballot.

We played Oscar bingo and filled out a ballot.
Here's the favor table.  The favors my guests took home didn't quite have the same value as the Oscar presenters ($160 thousand each), but they still had some fun stuff in them.
Favor Table
 We had Oscar touches throughout the house.

Carol and Tracy were two gals up for an award.  It was all fun until......

they got in the fight over who was going to take it home.

Have a happy Monday!  Thanks for stopping by -- hope you come back soon.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. I used the exact same Oscar Ballot (it was definitely the cutest printout I found!) I love the decor at the Oscar party <3

  2. What a cute idea! I haven't watched the Oscars in years. There was such a buzz around this year's show. I love seeing all of the gowns all over social media.

    Your Oscar Party decor is festive and fun.

  3. What a cute idea!! I'd love to hose an Oscar party but I don't even get to watch them since I have to go to work at 3am..I just have to catch up on all the good stuff the morning after :) Looks like so much fun - you did a great job decorating! :)

  4. Love the Oscar party!! Those decorations are fantastic! What fun.

  5. What a fun party!! You went all out!! I love it!

  6. Love your set up and Oscar decorations. Looks like you ladies had fun. I didn't really watch that much, mainly just red carpet. Love fashion!

  7. Wow, what an awesome party! You really put out some serious effort there and it looks like it was a blast! I'll bet your guests were so impressed they didn't even mind that their favors weren't worth thousands. ;) By the way, wood oven fired pizza is the best!

  8. Omg what a fabulous oscars party!!!! Where was my invite hehehe ;-) totally loving the red carpet!! Perfect touch;-)

  9. Absolutely love the red carpet to the door! This looks like fun! I was so inspired by your previous post I decided to try and stay up to watch it. EXCEPT, Downton Abbey came on the same night. Faithful fan of that show so had to switch over.

  10. I have never had an Oscar party, but it looks like you had tons of fun! I love all of your decorations!

  11. I've always wanted to have an Oscar's party with a red carpet! Looks like a fun party. :)

  12. What an awesome party! I love your setup, it really does say Oscars! I haven't watched the awards yet.

  13. I didn't watch the Oscars but it looks like you all had a blast! Love all the decorations and I can't believe they got $160K worth of swag for!

  14. we didnt watch the oscars but it looks like you had a TON of fun

  15. I still can’t believe that I didn’t watch the Oscars that night. Looks like a great night was had by all at your party.

  16. I didn't get a chance to watch them. How come they don't have reruns of the Oscars or put it on You tube or something.??? not fair!!!

  17. I want to host an Oscar party one day!!! I love what you did and I am inspired fun times!

  18. Wow! I've never seen such a nice Oscar party! Love the red carpet and the all the glitter :)

  19. what a fun party! I really love the oscars, but I feel like I never get to see it (I'm always busy!).

  20. You guys look like you guys had so much fun!!! I want to do something like this next year thanks for the tips!!

  21. What a fun fun idea! Looks like you had a mighty fun weekend. That Woodfired Pizza sounds yummy!
