Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekending - Last One In January

I just love weekends!  This one was lots of fun - full of friends and good times.

Friday night I stayed late at work and then made a few stops on my way home.  I was looking forward to hosting lunch on Saturday for the girls and wanted to get all my shopping done before I got home and settled in for the evening.

I got up Saturday and started on the Valentine's decorating.  It felt good to have things on the mantel again -- it looked so bare the few weeks it was empty.  I'll have a full post on all our Valentine's decorations later in February, but here's a little preview.

Valentine decorations

My friend, Carol, gave me the vintage metal letters for Christmas and I knew immediately that I wanted to make them a part of my Valentine mantle.  Love the way they look!  Guess what sign the letters came from?

Lunch was so fun -- and lasted most of the day.  We met at 11:30 am and was still sitting at the table chatting when Eric got home from work 4:30 pm.  We had a large agenda to get through.  Yes, we seriously have agendas most of the time when we get together.  We learned a long time ago that if we don't have an agenda, we forget some important items we wanted to discuss.  Agendas -- it's the way to go.

Lunch was great -- I'll be sharing the recipe for this wonderful Tuscan Tortellini Soup in a later post.  It was fabulous!!  The spinach salad was pretty wonderful too -- recipe coming soon.  Carol made some cinnamon rolls that were to die for.  Overall, great food - great conversation.  I just love my friends!

Tracy gave each of us a "to-go" gift -- a pastry called The Darkness from our favorite bakery, La Patisserie Chouquette.  It was the perfect thing to have for breakfast on Sunday!  Just look at the layers of goodness.

Sunday my monthly book club met at noon and it was fun catching up with that group of friends.  We're still working on our Book Club Bingo I blogged about here. To be honest,  we chat about other things more than we talk about books.  Movies were more the topic than books this month.  With the Oscar nominations out, we all had thoughts to share on the movies we had seen.

Came home after book club to get ready for Super Bowl watching.  Our menu was pretty old school this year.  I didn't try a single new recipe -- just stuck with some old tried and true crowd pleasers.

What did you think of the commercials this year?  Several had a little sad overtone I thought.  Which one was your favorite?  I liked the Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric one and of course who didn't fall in love with the Anheuser Busch puppy.  There were several that were Super Bowl worthy. We had so many leftovers!  I know what I'll be having for lunch this week.  Anybody else wish the game was played on Saturday so we would have a day to recover before returning to work?   I vote for that.

Monday is here too fast.  I really love weekends!  Don't you?  Well, we'll have another one in just a few days and I'm already looking forward to it.  Have a great week!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. looks like a nice weekend, love the mantel decorations, thanks for sharing

  2. Looks like a very social weekend! Out of interest, what were your favourite movies that you put forward for the year?

    Mine would probably have been Man of Steel...

  3. Sounds like a seriously wonderful weekend!! I think the Katie Couric and Bryant Gumble one was really good!!! Actually most of the commercials were really great! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. Love the mantle decorations, sounds like a great weekend.

  5. The Tuscan Tortellini Soup looks delicious! I will be on the lookout for the recipe.

  6. It makes no sense to me why the Superbowl is on Sunday night. Don't they realize how much more money they could make if it was on a Saturday night instead. I feel asleep at 7 worn out from babysitting grandbabies the night before!

  7. I can't WAIT for you to share that Tuscan Tortellini Soup recipe! Tuscan Tortellini Soup is my FAVORITE soup and yours looks amazing <3

  8. Super Bowl Monday definitely needs to be a thing! Some of the Super Bowl commercials were such downers! The puppy clearly wins the entire game though ha.

  9. I think a lot of the commercials were sad.. Either way, the PATS won and that makes me happy! :) found you through the link up! So fun!


  10. That Tuscan Tortellini soup looks incredible! I am looking forward to reading the recipe :) As far as the commercials go- I totally agree. I found myself tearing up. A lot. I was happy, though that the NFL chose DV as their highlighted cause.

  11. Love your Valentine's day decor, so pretty!

    I agree the commercials were kind of eh this year.

  12. Looks like you had a pretty fabulous weekend!!! I love the menu sigh by the way... I always make those too ;-)

  13. That pastry! I won't be able to stop thinking about how good it looked! I'm in the UK [no Super Bowl] but I know it must be important as it shows up as a proper noun on my computer! Haha!

  14. I love your mantle! It looks gorgeous! Those vintage letters are so fun! Also, that tortellini soup looks divine!

  15. The soup Looks amazing. I can tell you have a lot of talents, some of what I do not have lol. Awesome spread.

  16. I love your mantle! It looks great with all of the Valentines Day decorations! I'm glad you had a great weekend!

  17. I love the mantle decorations, how beautiful!

  18. ha! looks like you had a great weekend.. I love how you have styled your mantle!

  19. Sounds like a great weekend. I like the vintage letters! Your Superbowl snacks sounds great too.

  20. Agendas are the way to go always, we dont have the superbowl in the UK so don't know about the ads but thanks for sharing

  21. You have a really nice mantle for Valentine's Day. Your Superbowl Menu also looks like a really great feast for superbowl watching.

  22. What a great weekend you had! My birthday was on Friday, so I got to chat with my friends all over the world, there was 12 of us on oovoo, it was really fun. So much yummy food in this post, the Tuscan Tortellini Soup looks really delicious, I want some of that now!

  23. I love finding new blogs and I think this is one of them. Fun and food - what better way to spend a weekend. Looking forward to your recipes.

  24. What a great weekend. WE stayed with tried and true recipes for the super bowl too. I wasn't in the mood to do anything elaborate.

  25. Okay, now you did it! I'm hungry! Wow that all looks so yummy I can almost smell it. Great photos I want to reach out to it and grab it. Boy, I sure wish I was with you. Hope you having a great time.

  26. Such a lovely weekend you had Penny. I am loving your Valentine's mantle. The vintage letters look great!

  27. Your home is ready for valentine's day. I hope I can put a few decors before the weekend ends.

  28. Seems to be you had an awesome weekend - love everything you did seems wonderful.

  29. I also stay up late on a Friday and wake up really late during Saturdays, Your mantle is V-day ready!
