Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekending - April 24, 2015

I seriously believe that Saturday and Sunday have fewer than 24 hours in them.  They always seems to go by SOOOOO much faster than Monday through Friday.  We had a wonderful weekend and here's the lowdown on what filled our days.

Friday night I joined Sherri and Tracy to be a roamer at Washington University's Spring WILD (walk in lay down) concert.  Botnek and Mac Miller performed and the students had a blast!  Funny thing being around college kids at an event like that -- you feel their energy and it makes you feel so young at the same time you feel so old.  We enjoyed the evening and the event!

Eric had to work on Saturday and I had high expectations for the day.  Carol was bringing by my new wreath and ferns for the porch and I was so excited to see the final outcome.  You might remember I bought THESE POTS and Carol was finishing the look.  Well, here it is (and I absolutely love it) ~

My day was brightened when Eric showed up after work with these beauty flowers.  Yes, I'm lucky he's my husband!

Saturday night we took Ian and Kayla out to dinner at a new place for us - Via Vino.  Great night!  I just treasure spending time with them and it's so good for the soul to sit and catch up.  With Mother's Day approaching, I've been thinking a lot about being a mom and how very much I treasure it.  Being a mom to an adult child is certainly different than when they are younger, but spending time with them is equally enjoyable.  I'm also so blessed to now have Kayla in addition to Ian.  Kayla has become the daughter I never had.  Love them!

On Sunday, Eric and I squeezed in as much as we could.  First thing we headed over to La Patisserie Chouquette.  If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know I've blogged about this fabulous bakery before.  They are typically not open on Sunday, but were this week to celebrate the release of Spring Baking Championship premiering Sunday night on Food Network.  Simone, the pastry chef, is a contestant on the show and I'm so excited to see how she does!!  Had to snap a picture with her!  Good luck, Simone!

Simone Faure

We were a bit hungry so stopped by Old Standard Fried Chicken.  Look at this chicken goodness!  We each picked a side -- I chose roasted Brussels sprouts and Eric picked mashed potatoes.  Both, along with the chicken, were mouth-watering fabulous.

After filling our bellies, we had a little shopping to take care of.  With some coupons, I landed a free pair of panties from Victoria Secret and some fragrance samples from Sephora.  Love free stuff!

Then we headed home to catch the Blues game.  Big, no -- HUGE disappointment.  Will we EVER get through the first round of the playoffs?!?  Oh my goodness, I'm still in shock that we lost this series.  I have no words.  The only thing enjoyable about the game was eating "The Darkness" pastry we picked up at Chouquette earlier in the day.

Did you catch my post last night?  Well, it's one you don't want to miss!  I'm lucky to be participating in the Summer Must Haves for Mom.  It's going to be epic!  Hope you join in the fun.  Please check it out!

Have a great Monday!  Showing you an angel food cake tomorrow.  Hope you come back to see it.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. You always have the best weekends! The wreath is gorgeous!

  2. Thank you as your post genuinely brightened my day and wish I could come spend a weekend with you! :)

  3. What a fun weekend and I could eat every bit of that fried chicken, lol. Thanks for sharing and for your photos, they are lovely. I hope your week is every bit as great as your weekend was.

  4. Your front porch looks AMAZING!! That's so sweet of your husband to get you flowers:) And free stuff is the best!

  5. I'm only half sorry for your Blues. And only because I'm afraid my Wild will be out after round 2 & then I will feel your pain.

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend. I love how your porch turned out and who doesn't appreciate a good bakery visit??

  7. What an awesome time. I love weekends like this. Thank goodness that bakery was open. I need to go there!

  8. We went to Friday night's game, where we walked out once the Wild scored #4 then on Sunday I refused to watch because I already knew the outcome - Keith watched, texted me scores and needless to say we were VERY bummed at the outcome. Ch-ch-changes are headed to that team!!

  9. It looks like you had a fun-filled weekend. You also had some good looking fried chicken too. I don't keep up with your sport, but it's always upsetting when a team you want to win doesn't.

  10. Sounds like you had another great weekend! Weekends do seem way shorter than any day during the week.

  11. Sounds like you had an incredible weekend! I wouldn't mind a trip to the Sephora and Victoria's Secret myself!

  12. Looks like a great weekend. I used to work at Wash U. I still have my 'Nobody likes a Puker' t-shirt from WILD.

  13. The foods looks great and so did the drinks. And I agree, I think the weekends are really shorter than 48 hours... they fly by so fast!

  14. Sounds like a fun weekend for you! Your food looks delicious and a great quick meal.

  15. I always love the wreaths you put on your main door.I always look forward to every occasion to see what you have in-stored for us!

  16. These sounds like an amazing weekend indeed. I love the wreath and the ferns they look just gorgeous. All this food looks totally amazing and to me that would have been highlights of the weekend. lol Thanks for sharing.

  17. You're lucky you have a very sweet husband with the flowers. The fried chicken here looks really tasty too.

  18. I wish we had a fabulous bakery close by. I haven't been to one in years, and that's a shame because I do love the treats fresh baked!

  19. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I love the plants you have in your home and that chicken looked delicious!

  20. Sounds like you had a super fun weekend. I do agree that weekends seem to go by so fast. But they can also be packed with so much fun!!!

  21. Looks like you had an amazing weekend. That fried chicken looks pretty dang crispy! I want a piece!

  22. Your weekend looked like fun. All I did was stay at home haha. I hate the fact that weekends seem to go by so quickly, and when it's over, I have to go back to school. Thanks for sharing! :)

  23. Bakeries are always the best, good luck to Simone!! Looks like you had quite a fun weekend!

  24. I always want your weekends! Thanks for linking up at MeetUp Monday, and hope to see you again next week!
