Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - May 21, 2015

I can't believe it's Thursday already!  This week is going by far faster than I had hoped it would.  My to-do list doesn't have much scratched off and I'm headed out of town after work on Friday so today is going to be one busy day!

With Memorial Day this weekend, I'm thinking out loud today about summer.  Even though the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is packed with so many fun activities, it seems each year I let it slip by without doing some of the things I really enjoy.  This year I want to be more intentional with my time and really try to enjoy the things I love doing in the summer.  Here's a few items on my summer bucket list:

~ Eat More Meals Outside
I love sitting on the back patio to eat dinner, but it seems like we rarely do.  And honestly, I don't even know why we don't!  So if you come over to visit at dinner time and we don't answer the door, check around back.  Hopefully we'll be sitting on the patio enjoying our meal.
Google Image Result for
This is definitely NOT my patio -- but a girl can dream, can't she?!?

~ Riding Our Bikes More
Eric and I both have bikes and we love to ride around the neighborhood, but for some reason we don't do it as often as we would like to.  There is something about riding a bike that brings back all my fun childhood memories.  Definite mood booster! 
Enjoy the Ride Printable, Bike Print, Positive Quote, Floral Print, Flower Quote Print, Spring Printable, Spring Flower Print
Print available HERE

~ Using Our Fire Pit
Do you have one of these babies?  I love sitting outside on a nice summer evening staring into the fire in our fire pit.  On a really good night, I'll actually have s'more ingredients and we can toast up a tasty dessert.  
Patio Fire Pit with Cover. 32 Inch Backyard Fireplace Makes a Great Outdoor Heater for Your Deck or Patio Furniture.
You can purchase this one HERE
So what's on your summer bucket list?  

Now the fun part -- link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and linkup your favorite post below.  Super easy!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

X-tremely V

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Thanks Penny as love your Thinking Out Loud posts! They always brighten my day and you always provide such a unique view that I look forward to seeing!

  2. I actually just said to my husband last night that I wanted to get a picnic table so that we could eat more meals outside. I love eating outside in the nice weather.

  3. That is a patio I would love to have. We are in the middle of re-doing ours. How bad am I, the furniture is still sitting in the garage. Just bought and we haven't had time to put everything out. I agree, I drive by all these homes with patios, decks, etc. and never see anyone out enjoying them. So, my summer goal is (if I get it out before fall) to sit out there everyday, even if it is just to watch the dogs to their business. LOL! Anyways, missed you!

  4. We are shopping for fire pits now as we demo our new backyard. I cannot wait to just sit out there and enjoy the warmer weather :)

  5. That backyard is nice. I would live out there. We had a firepit in our backyard at our old house that we fired up often. I miss it and haven't done one for the new house we are in as of yet.

  6. We have a tiny yard, so we don't really eat outside. I would love to have that patio! Good luck with your goals!!

  7. More time outside in general. I need to get the backyard in shape!

  8. I wish it wasn't so hot here in Florida. I would use our Firepit all of the time for s'mores!

  9. Oh to have a backyard like that...heck just a backyard! One day, until then I'll dream of one from friends.

    Have a great weekend :)

  10. Oh I would love to have a fire pit like that! We're not allowed to have them in our area though :-(. They make for such wonderful ambience, and keep the bugs away. Oh well, maybe at the next house we live in!

  11. Finding time to enjoy our beautiful backyard would be on my bucket list this summer. Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!

  12. I would love to have a nicer patio and a fire pit too. I'd be outside even later if I had a comfy warm area in the backyard.

  13. I absolutely love this post! My husband and I need to get outside more and just relax. We are usually always in the house and it's just so boring! I do need that patio in the first picture though, haha dreams!

  14. These are all things I'd love to do as well! We love eating dinner outside by our fire pit, but unfortunately it's already getting grossly hot here in Florida.

  15. The patio looks very homely and somehow rustic. This would also be the patio design of my dreams! Oh yes, it's great to eat out at least once or twice in a month.

  16. Eating outdoors can really feel refreshing with better view and fresh air. Biking can really be fun once it becomes a habit.

  17. I like that thought "being more intentional with your time" I want that too so much this summer and I want to do all the things I love more.

  18. I just love eating outside!!! I think it's so enjoyable... Hubby however is a hater, so I don't get to enjoy my patio as much -_-

  19. As the weather is warming up, I am biking more and more. I do it with my husband: it is a nice time to spend together

  20. This sounds like my ideal summer! I definitely want to go bike riding more, too.
