Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekending - May 8, 2015

This weekend was nothing but fun, fun, FUN!!  Eric and I drove to New Orleans and arrived on Friday afternoon.  We headed down to NOLA for the wedding of our friends Lauren and Justin.  The entire weekend has been wonderful.  Here's a little recap.

Upon arriving on Friday, we checked into the Sheraton and headed straight to Bourbon Street.  The hurricanes at Pat O'Brien were calling our names and we were hungry.  We decided to share their trio sampler which consisted of gumbo, red beans and rice and jambalaya.  Was it good?  It was delicious!  Great way to start our stay in The Big Easy.

We wondered around in the French Quarter until dinner time then chose The Gumbo Shop to continue our southern eating.  Eric dined on their crawfish etouffee and shrimp poor boy.  I picked the grilled cheese (I know, it's not very southern -- but it just sounded so good).

Later in the evening we headed to Lauren and Justin's welcome party at Hermes Bar.  It was fun to see some of the folks that would be at the wedding and start the wedding festivities!  Just look how happy they are!

Saturday we went to Cafe du Monde for a little beignet action for breakfast.  We were joined by friends Rachel and Amy who had also traveled south for the wedding.  These little puffs of dough are so incredibly tasty! And they are served mounded high with powered sugar.  I wore black -- not necessarily the wisest choice in clothes, but I somehow managed to not be covered head to toe with the white stuff when we left.

After filling up on beignets, we meandered around the Jackson Square area until lunchtime.

For lunch, we were looking for oysters and found them at Le Bayou Restaurant.  We also shared their muffuletta.  To sweeten our dining experience ever more, we dined on their second floor balcony overlooking Bourbon Street.  People watching at its best!

After lunch it was time to go get ready for the wedding.  Lauren and Justin was so kind to their guests.  We had great welcome bags in our rooms and they provided transportation from the hotels to the wedding and reception.  Wonderful touches for out-of-town guests.

We were excited to experience our first New Orleans wedding and it definitely did not disappoint!  Lauren made a stunning bride and you could see the love in Justin's eyes every time he looked at her.

The reception was held at Rosy's Jazz Hall.  We dined on some mighty tasty appetizers like mini crab cakes, oysters cordon bleu, feta onion tartlette, tuna sashami canapes, crab tarts, jambalaya pasta, and New Orleans BBQ shrimp,  Plus the wedding cakes!!  They had a beautiful traditionally white wedding cake with strawberry filling and a King's Cake.  Yum!!

In traditionally New Orleans style, we got to participate in our very first second line.  So much fun!  Wish I had gotten some pictures, but you know, I was too busy participating in the fun to stop long enough to snap a pic.

We partied like rock stars!  It was fabulous seeing some old friends we hadn't seen in a while and making some new friends as well.  I know you've heard me say it before, but I just LOVE weddings!!

Congratulations Lauren and Justin!!  Thanks for letting us be a part of your big day.  We made memories we'll treasure for years to come.

Sunday (after sleeping in a bit) was our day to explore the Garden District and tour a cemetery.  Such history in this part of town!

To celebrate Mother's Day, Eric and I went to Emeril's NOLA restaurant for dinner.  I got to pick the location and it did not disappoint.  Eric had the fried chicken and I picked their shrimp and grits.  Best shrimp and grits we have ever had!

Emeril's restaurant

 Monday we're heading over to Gulf Shore Plantation for a few days of rest and relaxation.  I might be setting myself up for failure by thinking I'm going to catch up on my emails, plan some future blogs, learn the features on my camera, read a couple books -- the list goes on but I'll stop there.  We'll see how much I actually get done.  One thing I know I'll get accomplished is sitting on the beach with my feet in the sand!

Hope you had a great weekend too!  I'll be posting a couple times this week from the beach.  Hope you stop back by and check it out.  Hey -- I wanted to mention too that something else special happened over the weekend -- I was featured on my friend Michelle's blog.  You can check it out HERE.  So cool!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Glad you had a great weekend. It certainly looks like you guys ate really well!

  2. Looks like a super fun weekend!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! What a beautiful bride, and all the food looks delicious. Enjoy the rest of your break!

  4. Looks like a fabulous weekend. NOLA is one of my favorite cities and you did it up right, lady! Cafe Du Monde is my favorite and I really want to try Emril's restaurant the next time we hit the city!

  5. So, so glad you had a fun time in our state! Let the good times roll!

  6. Oh I love NOLA but haven't been in so many years. I think it's time to visit again. All the food looks yummy!

  7. I haven't been to New Orleans in forever! This pictures make me want to take a road trip soon! And it's always fun to check out new places to eat when I visit places. ;)

  8. Oh Penny what a fabulous weekend you had! I'd love to visit New Orleans one day :)

  9. Looks like a great weekend! Not only did you get to sightsee, but you were able to connect with old friends too! Makes for a wonderful mini-vacation!

  10. So glad you've had a great NOLA trip. Which Sheraton did you stay at - bc of my PT work, I get discounts at SPG hotels and we're eyeing a little weekend down there and I'm curious which of our hotels are decently located.

  11. Another Penny adventure I get to read! The food, I think I gained a pound or two just reading it. Amazing. I love eating when I go on vacation especially things I don't ordinarily eat in our town. The wedding looks like so much fun and catching up with friends, the best! Glad you are having a wonderful time. Thanks for the shout out on your post too! Have had many views on it!

  12. What a fun weekend! I've always wanted to visit New Orleans. It seems like such a fun city (filled with GREAT food!) <3

  13. Would love to visit New Orleans.... Looks like a great weekend huh?!

  14. What a great post! You hit some great spots in New Orleans! My favorite are of course the beignets and po boys! Last time I was there I had my palm read by a Creole High Priestess! So far everything has come true!

  15. New Orleans is such a great city to visit. Looks like you had a lot of fun and good food.

  16. OMG. I'd love to go there sometime in the future. Plus, the foods are totally great and delicious looking too.

  17. Sounds like you had such an amazing weekend full of laughter and food, I am heading to my brother's wedding next week I am so excited.

  18. It looks like you all had a magnificent weekend indeed. I have never been to New Orleans before and I hope to get there some day. All the food sounds and looks so delicious. Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. You certainly had a full and exciting weekend and ate a lot of really great sounding foods! So glad the wedding went off without a hitch and you all enjoyed yourselves there as well.

  20. I always like to see what you get up to on your weekends! You always seem to find unusual places to go, try new needs and glad you enjoy yourself too!

  21. I've always wanted to visit Louisiana for the food! The pictures in the post really make me realize what I'm missing out on!

  22. I've missed living in Louisiana. It's been so long since I've left, but I still remember the great people, the wonderful atmosphere, and the food!

  23. So much fun!!! Love her dress. The food looks too good to be true!! YUMMERS! Thanks for linking up on Monday!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  24. So much fun... good for you! Thanks for sharing luvin' the food scenes. hehehe One of my favorite foods is gumbo yummmmmm

  25. it seems like you have mastered the art of having a wonderful time during weekends! i hope i can join you in one of your weekend adventures! :)
