Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - June 25, 2015

Welcome to this week's Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Thanks for stopping by and joining me and Vanessa.

X-tremely V

With summer officially starting last Sunday, I'm thinking about all the fun this season brings.  After a week's worth of rain, we are now into hot weather here in St. Louis.  And longer days -- which is great.  It's amazing how much more I get done in the summer just because it stays light outside longer.  Thank you Mr. Sunshine for hanging around for an extended time.  Anyone else experience this phenomenon?!?

I used to love it when Ian was a toddler because with the longer days we actually got to play outside when I got home from work.  It was so much fun watching him run around having the best time of his life!  I can still remember that stinky little boy smell from sweating the afternoon away.  And the bath water being a murky tan color after his bath!  Sure signs he had had an exceptionally fun time playing outside.

Ian loved playing in his Little Tikes yard toy.  Boy, did that thing take a beating from him and his friends!  It amazes me that 22 years later, Little Tikes is still making a very similar piece of play equipment. 

Click HERE to purchase
Playing in the sprinkler was definitely a highlight for him, too.  He absolutely adored the sprinkler his Grandma Helen gave him for his second birthday.  If his birthday had been in the summer, I sure could decorated his entire party in a fireman's theme and let the kids soak themselves with this in the backyard.  

Contrary to the above pictures, I promise he did sometimes wear a shirt in the summer.  But the warm weather usually did make clothing optional.  :)

Even though Ian is all grown up, I still enjoy spending time doing summer stuff with him.  This year we purchased season tickets to the Muny, our outside theater in St. Louis.  It's a bonus that we get to spend time with his wife, Kayla, also.  

What kind of fun outdoor things are on your agenda for the summer?  We better get busy checking things off the list because summer usually goes by in a blink of an eye.  And moms out there -- hold tight to your little ones and take lots of pictures because they really do grow up so fast!

Now the fun part -- link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and linkup your favorite post below.  Super easy!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Love to go back in time and see photos of our little ones. He is a cutie pie Penny. And now you have a daughter. Life is good!

  2. I love this post! Makes me miss water days with my daycare kiddos! Ohhh sweet memories! :D

  3. Aweee this is so sweet! My little man is 2 1/2 and we are eating up outdoor time, mainly by the pool. What a handsome man your little grew up to be! Happy summer! xo Amanda

  4. Yay for summer - not so yay for MO's weird weather!

  5. This is adorable! I agree, I love the longer days in the summer because it's still light enough to play outside when I get home!
