Thursday, July 30, 2015

Five on Friday - July 31, 2015

Oh my goodness -- today is the last day of July.  Where has the summer gone!!  August is coming tomorrow so if you have things to get done in July, you better stay focused today and get them done.

I'm busy preparing for a baby shower I'm hosting on Sunday.  So excited to visit my home town and celebrate the upcoming arrival of my new nephew.  You better believe I'll be sharing some of the details next week on the blog, but until then here's my five for this week.

1.  Big Blue Bath Bomb by LUSH
A friend of mine has been busy taking care of her mom lately so I dropped one of these off for her this week.  The description caught my attention:  "Clear your mind with a relaxing seaweed soak.  Sail away - For days when you need a relaxing escape from the world.  Good for your skin:  Filled with the finest, nutritious ingredients from the sea.  Sea what?  When the seaweed soaks in the hot water, it becomes skin softening and soothing."  Sounds like just what she needs!  Do you know anyone that could use one of these?
To purchase, click HERE
2.  Downtown Restaurant Week
St. Louis's Downtown Restaurant Week is next week - August 3-9.  Great opportunity to try some new dining places!  We tried two places last year and are hoping to try a couple more next week.  The deal is you get 3 courses for $25.  This year is the 11th year and 24 destinations are participating.  Last year's event attracted over 15,000 diners, so make reservations early to secure your table for this fabulous food experience.

3.  National Girlfriends Day
Get ready to reach out to your gal pals because tomorrow is National Girlfriends Day.  Let's face it, there's just a special bond between women who are true friends.  I'm blessed to have several very special friends and I can't even imagine what my life would look like without them.  Love you guys and happy girlfriends day!  Let's get together sometime soon.

4.  Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation
Your mission, should you choose to accept it -- see Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation.  It's opening this weekend and the reviews I've seen have been pretty good.  Watch Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) pull out all the stops to save the world.  This movie will be competing at the box office with Vacation, which also opens this weekend.  Which one do you think will gross the most millions?

5.  Just a thought....

Have a great weekend everyone!  Enjoy some summer before it disappears.  Hope you come back on Monday to see the highlights from the baby shower I'm hosting on Sunday.  


  1. Restaurant week sounds like a lot of fun. I would definitely love to try some new restaurants during that time. Boston should host something like this, too :-)

  2. Good luck with your baby shower! Hey, it looks like we are neighbors but I don't think we have met yet! I am in St Peters. :)

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing how the baby shower goes. I've never actually thrown one, but I think it would be so much fun to do it!

  4. You've sold me on the bath bomb - I NEED this and it sounds like something completely wonderful and soothing that I'm in search of for sometime this weekend.

    How thoughtful of you to think of a friend in need of some relaxation; that's so sweet of you.

  5. That quote about putting your picture on a wine bottle instead of a milk carton!! Lol! Have a great weekend!

  6. I had plans to try Clayton restaurant week during our muny ticket change but the establishment didn't take reservations and I didn't want to chance it. Where are you going to go?

  7. That wine bottle image is too funny!!

  8. I didn't know that tomorrow is National Girlfriend Month. Love that e-card. I was wondering what happened to July, too. Have fun hosting the baby shower!

  9. I have no idea that National Girlfrends Day was coming up! What a great reason to celebrate!

  10. I adore LUSH products, you are a special lady to think of your friend. I'm so happy you told me about National Girlfriends Day, I will be sure to let my friends know how much I care! Happy August!

  11. It was downtown restaurant last week in Atlanta and I got to do a taste of it! Also I love any of the Lush bath bombs!!

  12. Yes I definitely know who could use the Big Blue Bath Bomb---MEEEEEE. Bath Bombs are my absolute favorite way to relax.

  13. Restaurant week sounds awesome! I love Lush I cannot wait to try the bath bombs! Though I don't have a tub only a shower so I may have to go to my sister's to enjoy it! ha

  14. The bath bomb sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see the baby shower pictures. Happy Friday!

  15. baby shower is fun!! Don't forget to share some pictures

  16. I've seen your weddings, so I'm sure the baby shower will be as fab. I can't wait to see the photos.

  17. Thanks penny as your blog posts always brighten my day! I was not away it was national Girlfriends Week! I will also accept your Mission Impossible as challenged! :)

  18. Have a great rest of summer! I love #5, except with my friends instead of wine, it'd be a whiskey bottle.

  19. I'll admit it, I was never a fan of LUSH until two weeks ago when I finally decided to give a bath bomb a try. Now I'm hooked! I LOVE it <3

  20. #5 is hilarious and so true! Fun list you got going on there. Enjoy your summer!
