Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekending - Wedding Fun

Oh my, my -- what a weekend!  We kicked it off by going to the Muny Friday night to watch Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story.  It was kind of like a mini concert since there was a lot more music than acting.  You might not think you would know any of the songs, but when they started playing them you do.  I'm still humming Peggy Sue and That'll Be The Day!  Pro - fun play with good music.  Con - it was 500 degrees very hot!  This coming week is Into The Woods.  I'm definitely planning ahead and taking some personal air conditioners with us!

Saturday morning we got up with the sun to head to Memphis for our nephew's wedding.  Memphis is about 5 hours from our house.  We were meeting our son, Ian,  and daughter-in-law, Kayla, who were also going down to the wedding, for lunch.  Kayla had been in Memphis on a work trip and had scoped out a fun place for us to share a bite before going to the nuptials.  She did an excellent job!  Babalu Tacos and Tapas suited our taste buds perfectly!  Fun little place in Memphis's midtown region.

They make guacamole table side and the watermelon infused margarita hit the spot.  I'm one that enjoys the presentation of the food as much as the flavor.  Babalu did not  disappoint.  Thanks Kayla for the perfect recommendation!

After lunch we moseyed next door to admire the vast array of sweets at Sweet Noshings.  This little establishment has it all -- fudge, ice cream, candy, popcorn and they even have a nice selection of candles.  Were we full from lunch?  Yes.  Did we still try the ice cream and fudge?  YES!  Delish!

Then it was to the hotel to get ready for the weekend's main event -- Marissa and Josh's Wedding!  Oh how I love weddings!  Here we are waiting for it all to begin.

Love Josh's face as his bride enters the church.  You can tell by the look on Marissa's very soon-to-be in-laws that she's already a very welcome part of the family.

Josh married Marissa in a beautiful ceremony on a hot day in Memphis with a ton of family and friends to witness what two people look like that are truly in love.

On to the reception.  The cakes -- oh, the cakes -- were both stunning and delicious.  Josh and Marissa are quite the St. Louis Blues hockey fans, so it was only fitting the groom's cake be a replica of the Stanley Cup (you know, since the St. Louis Blues are sure to win it this year and all).  The main wedding cake was made with two flavors, vanilla and strawberry.  The groom's cake was cookies and cream.  All were fantastic!

After all the celebrating and dancing at the wedding, we did a little after partying with some of the groomsmen at The Filling Station.  Overall -- great night!

Congratulations Josh and Marissa!!  We are so happy for you and can't wait to see what the future will hold.

Here's something fun -- this is a picture we snapped at the wedding reception of Eric's mom, Sue, and her best friend, Brenda.  Sue was Brenda's maid of honor 40 some years ago. How cool is it that they have remained such good friends for all these years.

Sunday we stopped by Eric's sister and brother-in-law's house for a bit before heading back home.  It was nice to be able to spend a little time with Eric's side of the family.  We got home in time to get the grass mowed before a rain shower popped up.  We decided to squeeze in one more activity before the weekend was over by seeing Trainwreck.  I have to admit, I wasn't overly impressed.  Now, I'm sure the fact I was a little tired might have been a factor, but it was just okay in my book.  Did you see it?  What did you think?

Here we are at Monday and I'm already looking forward to next week.  We have another wedding.  This is the one you've heard me mention helping with before.  Since all the major things are ready for the wedding and I still have a week left, I decided to make a few more things just to enhance a couple of our decorations.  It's going to be beautiful!  I'm also looking forward to a luncheon to celebrate the bride on Thursday at one of my favorite places - La Patisserie Chouquette!  There will be lots to blog about this week!

Hope your weekend was wonderful!  On a side note -- we received a phone call while driving to Memphis that a good friend of mine's father had very unexpectedly passed away on Friday night.  My heart is hurting for her and her family.  Life is short my friends -- don't fill yours with would-a, could-a, should-a.  Get out there and do some living!!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Are you going to see Into the Woods on Friday? McKenzie and I will be there!

  2. I always feel like I'm right there enjoying the weekend. What a beautiful wedding and the cake, stunning.

  3. It sounds like you had an awesome weekend! That restaurant sounds fabulous and the wedding was absolutely stunning. So sorry to hear about your friend's dad, though.


  4. That restaurant looks so great! Great wedding. Best wishes to them! Thanks for linking up this week.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
