Thursday, September 17, 2015

Five on Friday - September 18, 2015

Happy Friday!  Let's hear it for the weekend!!  This has been a fantastic week.  We welcomed my newest nephew yesterday and I was able to wrap my arms around him when he was just a few hours old.  Just take a peek at how handsome this little guy is.

Congrats to my brother, Ernie, and Carina!

I could easily make this sweet little baby all five of my Five on Friday items, but I'll save more of the pictures for later.  Let's see what other things I have on my list.

1.  Crosseyed Heart
It's here!  The third studio album by 71-year-old Keith Richards is released today.  We've been waiting a while since his last album -- a while being like 23 years.  If you're a Stones fan, you won't want to miss this.

Crosseyed Heart

2.  Not Your Father's Root Beer
Beer isn't typically one of my favorite things, but if Not Your Father's Root Beer is being served that's what I'm ordering.  This beer is flavored to taste just like root beer.  Now that's a "beer" I love!  It's been selling out fast in our area.  Have you seen it on your shelves?  Tried it?  I'm stocking up the next time I find it in the store.

Root Beer Beer

3.  National Cheeseburger Day
Let's hear it for National Cheeseburger Day!!  This is a day I'll gladly celebrate!  We have several great places near us that serve up a tasty burger.  I believe I'll try to talk Eric into hitting up Five Guys tonight to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day in style.  Where's your favorite burger joint?

4.  Zulily
I feel like I'm late to the game on this one.  Has everyone bought stuff from Zulily already but me?  I had seen the ads and even clicked on the site a couple times, but had never pulled the trigger and purchased anything.  Well, that changed recently!  I bought two adorable tunics for fall and a pair of Toms boots.  The prices are extremely competitive and the tunics I purchased were great quality.  I hadn't seen anything like them in the stores and I'm excited to add them to my wardrobe.  If you haven't checked out Zulily before, hop on over and see their products.  Great prices on all kinds of things!

5.  My life...

We have a pretty big weekend ahead of us.  We'll be travelling back to my home town to celebrate my Dad's birthday.  Hopefully I'll get to sneak in another trip to cuddle my new nephew too.  Hope you have some fun stuff on your agenda.  And just because I can't help myself, I'll leave you with another picture of my sweet new nephew.  Is he not the cutest?!?

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The New Mrs. Adventure
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Oh you are smitten! He is precious. So happy for your family. I see spoiling nephew days ahead. Zuilly, I bought maybe twice from them. Both were gifts. That's all I have to say on that one. Enjoy your weekend. Cheeseburger Day - hmmm thanks for letting us know that.

  2. Oh I saw that rootbeer somewhere when I was out last and wanted to check it out more but didn't get the chance. Congrats on the new cutie ☺

  3. HAHA That final quote! So true :) And those pictures of your sweet, new nephew are adorable!!! What a precious babe. We've been seeing the Not Your Father's Root Beer everywhere, we just haven't tried it yet. But sounds yummy! We love root beer! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  4. He is so cute!! Congrats on your new nephew!

    And that picture is hilarious and so true! :)

  5. I need to try that rootbeer!! I have only heard wonderful things about it. Need to remember it next time I go shopping for something!

  6. Oh Penny, he is lovely!You're making me want to have another baby!

  7. Oh my goodness, your nephew... SO CUTE!! The hair, the squishy face... To die for. Can you please bottle up that newborn baby smell for me? I just love that.

    Have a great weekend Penny

  8. Not Your Father's Rootbeer is SO GOOD! And baby pics are the best. Happy weekend lady!

  9. We were up north about a month ago, & Not Your Father's Root Beer was the craze!! We still can't get it down in Florida, unfortunately. In fact, it was out of stock everywhere we went to find it while we were up there!! I am pretty bummed that I missed National Cheeseburger day, how did I not know?! & your nephew is just the sweetest! So handsome!!

  10. That quote is about right. Now because I mind getting up early, but because I dislike running. So far.

    Your nephew is super adorable. Big congratulations to you and his parents.

    Have a great week!


  11. If I did drink, I would so have to try that beer. I love root beer! And oh my word I just love babies! Happy times indeed!

  12. Oh my goodness!!! I love his little, itty, bitty sweet face!! *sigh*...he is just precious. Congrats to Ernie & Carina! You're true. Haha!
