Monday, October 19, 2015

No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Way back when I was in high school, most of the girls (and occasionally a guy) would take Home Economics.  When the unit on cooking arrived, one of the first things they had us make were these no bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies.  From experience, they probably didn't want us turning on the ovens and actually sticking our hands in them until we had a bit of experience.

Being the proud homemaker I was becoming, I made these at home soon after my dry run of producing them at school.  They turned out to be one of my grandfather's favorites.  Hard telling if he really loved them as much as he said he did or if he just liked seeing the proud look on my face each time I presented him with a plate full.  Long after I was out of high school, married and moved away, I still made these for him every Christmas.  To this day, I can't pass this recipe in my stained up cookbook without thinking of him.

So today I'm sharing the recipe with you.  It's super simple to make and pretty quick too.  Maybe if you have kids around, you can have them help you whip up a batch and start your very own family memories.

Here's What You Need

1 stick of butter
2 cups of sugar
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups old fashioned rolled oats

Here's What You Do
Put the butter, sugar, cocoa and milk in a saucepan.  Heat, stirring occasionally, until it begins to boil.  Let boil for a minute.

Remove from heat and add in peanut butter and vanilla.  Stir until the peanut butter is melted.

Pour in the oats and stir.

Spoon onto a parchment covered pan and let cool completely.  I usually pop the pan in the frig for a bit until the cookies are set.

This recipe makes about 2 dozen cookies.  Store them in an airtight container and they should be fine for a couple weeks (if they haven't all been eaten).


Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. Oh I loved Home Ec in high school, except for the week we were doing microwave cooking because the teacher tried to get us to eat hamburger we had cooked in there - uh no, thanks!

  2. I love this recipe! I substitute quick oats and use 1/2 of the total sugar as brown sugar (very handy when you run out of white sugar).

  3. Mmm. Easy and looks good, too. If only I ate this kind of food still..My stomach does not like grains.

  4. These might be a good thing to take for potluck tomorrow!

  5. Quick and easy! Similar to the process of making pralines too :)

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  6. So easy! I have all these ingredients on hand too. I think my kids will love them. Thanks for sharing!

  7. My mom made these all the time when we were growing up! She called them her 'Lazy Lady Cookies' ;) Great recipe! Love it!
    The Rad Wife
