Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weekending - October 23, 2015

It seems as though every Friday I leave work with a list of things to get accomplished over the weekend and every Sunday night I'm looking at my list with not a ton of things crossed off.  I need to start writing the fun things on the list so it looks like I get more done!  This weekend was one of those that lots of fun happened and not so much work.

When I left work on Friday, I headed straight to Target to pick up some Halloween candy.  We were going to my home town on Saturday and I wanted to put together special treats for my nephews.  I had already grabbed a few fun items.  They came together pretty quick -- one thing checked off my list!

Halloween Treat Bags

Saturday morning Eric and I got up and headed out for my home town.  I'm helping with a baby shower in December and we were going to work on finalizing some of the details.  The mother-to-be selected a design from Rustic Avenue Designs off Etsy.  Just look how adorable they are!  Can't wait to work with these beauties!

Deer Oh Deer - Baby Shower Invitation - Printable

After the meeting on the shower, I visited my brother's house to soak up some time with my nephews.  Could they be any cuter?!?

If you read my Five on Friday blog (HERE), you saw that The Arch in St. Louis was celebrating its' 50th birthday.  Since watching fireworks is one of my absolute favorite things, Saturday night we knew where we wanted to be.

Before the fireworks, we grabbed a quick dinner at our favorite downtown pizza place, Pi Pizzeria.  Love their deep dish pie!  Just look at the goodness ~

St. Louis Pizza

With full bellies, we walked the short distance to the Arch to watch the show in the sky.  Great fireworks!  So glad we were able to see them.

St. Louis fireworks, St.Louis Arch

Sunday Eric had to work starting in the afternoon, so we spent some time together in the morning visiting a store on O'fallon called Fezziwigs.  This store is brimming with gourmet foods, flavored olive oils, wines and teas.  So many great things in one place!  They also offer cooking classes and wine tastings.  I hope to attend one of their events soon.

We had chowed down a pretty big breakfast, so we opted for an ice cream lunch.  It was a beautiful day to sit outside and enjoy our treats.

Eric left for work and I settled down for a bit with a new book I'm reading.  My daughter-in-law, Kayla, had recommended The Canterbury Sisters.  I can hardly put it down it's so good!  Highly recommend it!

Great books to read

I read until the last minute that I could and then met my friend Debbie and some of her family for some pre-concert dinner at Rosalita's Cantina.  Late Friday afternoon I had gotten tickets to see Stevie Wonder!  Stevie Wonder!!  He's been on my bucket list to see for years and as of Sunday night I got to check it off the list.  

Stevie Wonder concert in St. Louis

And that's a wrap up of my weekend!  Even though it's WAY past my bedtime right now, I'm going to sign off here and pick up my book again.  I'm telling you, I can not put it down!  I have a feeling it's going to be pretty hard rolling out of bed when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. This reminds me to go get some treats for the end of this week!! I'm so excited for Halloween!!!

  2. Your nephews are soo cute!

  3. Those baby shower invitations are so cute! I am sure the party will be a huge hit!

  4. Sometimes those fun weekends when the to do list gets forgotten are the perfect weekends! And then (hopefully) motivating to get a lot done during the week :)

  5. I've seen the arch but didn't have enough time to go up in it! How fun!

  6. We were at the blues game and totally forgot about the fireworks that we could have gone out to see when the blues were losing. It was a busy STL weekend :)

  7. Your lists sound remarkably like mine. Lots planned but then fun stuff takes over and the real stuff takes a back seat. Oh welllllll. Lol!
    Sounds like a fulsome and rich weekend. :-)

  8. I love watching fireworks... Looks like a fun weekend!
    — DT | Here I Scribble

  9. Oh I could definitely go for some deep dish right now. And there anything better than holiday goodies?
    The Rad Wife
