Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday -- November 18, 2015

Welcome to this week's Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Me and Vanessa over at X-tremely V are so happy you stopped by.  Hope you link up below and share with us what you're thinking out loud about today.

Doing a little thinking out loud about myself today.  My birthday was Monday and that event always makes me a little reflective on exactly where I am in life.  I tend to make a little "Things I Want To Do Before My Next Birthday" list.  Some ideas are big, some are small and some are just plain silly.  Do you do that around your birthday?  I feel like a list keeps me operating more intentionally than just going about things willy nilly.  Let me share just a couple things from my list.

A big item is to organize my Pinterest boards.  I really wish I would have thought through the whole scope of what I would be using Pinterest for when I started.  I had a handful of very generic boards like "Favorite Recipes".  Well, that board quickly became populated with every recipe that looked remotely good.  BAD IDEA!  I should have thought bigger picture and set up a different board for each category of food I would be saving recipes for ~ like soups, candy, appetizers.  You get the picture.  So, for the next 12 months I am hopefully going to get all organized in my Pinterest world, which will save me time in the long run when I'm looking for stuff.  Anyone have a favorite way of keeping your Pinterest boards tidy?  Any clever names for your boards?  If you want to follow me (and see how cool my boards are going to be), click HERE.
Next is loosing some weight.  I know, I should save this one for a New Year's resolution, but I've already waited too long to make this a priority.  Over the last 6 years, I've let 30 extra pounds take residence in my body.  Well, the evacuation notice has been posted pounds.  You need to go!  Ian is graduating from law school in May and I would like to loose them by then.  I'm giving serious thought to ordering this bad boy so when I'm sitting on the couch catching up on my Shonda Rhimes shows, I can at least be burning a few calories at the same time.  
Click HERE to purchase
Another thing high on my list is I want to write more letters and send more cards.  I've said this before and, honestly, haven't done that great of job.  What really brought this to the front of my mind was a couple things I got for my birthday.  My friend Linda wrote me a letter and put it in my birthday card.  I'll truly treasure it for the rest of my life.  I've read it every day since it arrived and it makes me so happy Every.Single.Time.  I'm still crying each time I finish it.  But it's a happy cry, the kind that's good for the soul.  My friend Jane wrote just a few words in my card and, again, they touched my heart.  I loved their messages!  And I want to tell the people dear to me how much they mean to me and give them the same joy I felt when I read Linda and Jane's message to me.  I'm ordering THESE today and getting started.  Nothing is better than spreading some joy!

Click HERE to purchase
Thanks to all my friends and family who made my birthday special.  From my friends at work who brought me a bagel and my favorite chocolate cookies, my neighbor and her kids who sang me happy birthday on my voicemail, my nephew who sent me a happy birthday text, Eric, Ian and Kayla for their very thoughtful gifts and a birthday greeting from my brother, Ernie, who sent me this picture of my nephew, Liam.  #meltedmyheart  It's been a great, great birthday!

So what's on your mind today?  Link up below and share with us!  

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Happy (belated!) birthday and wishes for many, many more!

  2. Happy late birthday! I think the card writing goal is a great one! I'm also wanting to reorganize my Pinterest boards because I have some really generic boards as well!

  3. Birthdays have a way of making us think about the past, present and future. You have many friends who obviously love you. Having the written word in front of you for reminders when we often doubt who loves us on day we are having a pity party are good for us. At least they are for me. You are a blessing in my life too. Even if it is through this screen here. One day we will meet. Enjoy your Thursday.

  4. Happy belated birthday! I did the same thing with my Pinterest boards when I started. I have started to make my Pinterest boards have some organization, but now I need to clean the boards and get rid of things are no longer of interest to me.

  5. Happy Belated Birthday! I love the items on your list. I agree I wish I'd thought my Pinterest Boards out better too! Oh and following you now by the way! Liam is a doll :)

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! I love the items on your list. I agree I wish I'd thought my Pinterest Boards out better too! Oh and following you now by the way! Liam is a doll :)

  7. I really like the idea of "things I want to do before my next birthday" list. Sounds like a good idea to follow. Happy Birthday.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you have some great goals for the year. I really need to work on my Pinterest too. I've also been working on losing weight and getting healthy. Exercising during TV is a GREAT idea!

  9. My birthday was Monday too! Hope you had a happy day!

  10. Happy birthday!! Great goals... love the Pinterest one. I need to go on that as well!
    xx, Karen

  11. It sounds like you had a great birthday! Happy belated birthday. :)

  12. Penny, so sorry that I missed your actual birthday so I'm sending big hugs today and beautiful belated wishes. I hope you continue to celebrate for the rest of the month, I know I am. :)

  13. Happy belated birthday! I recently went through and organized/re-named my boards on Pinterest and I feel so much more organized now! What a cute nephew :)

  14. Happy belated birthday! I used to write a lot of handwritten letters and haven't recently, so this is a good reminder to restart!
