Monday, December 28, 2015

Weekending - December 26, 2015

Is today really Monday?  I swear when I'm off for more than a couple day I totally lose track of what day it is.  But the calendar shows me it's Monday so let me recap my last few days.

Saturday was a total lounge day.  It was a day that I didn't get out of my jammies all day long!  Haven't had one of those in ages ~ and it felt GOOD!  I did write a recap of Christmas post.  Oh, and I also binged watched How to Get Away With Murder and am totally caught up with this season. Now I'm anxiously awaiting February 11 to see just what happens next.

Since I was so comfortable laying in my bed on Friday, I also caught up on Married at First Sight.  Each episode of that show is like a little mini marriage counseling session.  Anybody else love that show?

The only true productive thing I did on Saturday besides running the dishwasher (doesn't that count as productive?!?) was read the book Simplify:  7 Guiding Principles to Help anyone Declutter Their Home and Life.  The Kindle version is on sale right now on Amazon for $2.99.  Well worth it.  Click HERE to purchase.  I'm not interested in living in a tiny house or anything that drastic, but I do have a lot of clutter and definitely have a desire to get rid of it.  This book motivated me and gave me some ideas of what I want to get rid of and where I want to start.

Sunday was a special day for two reasons.  First we got to babysit my nephew for a few hours.  He is the best little guy!  He was a real trooper for letting me take 5994839 a lot of pictures of him.

 When faces like this started I think he was trying to tell me he'd had enough.

Sunday evening we headed to my mother-in-law's house to celebrate Christmas.  It was great catching up with her and sharing a meal.

I had picked up a quiche from Sugaree Baking Company in the part of St. Louis referred to as Dogtown.  This quaint little bakery has amazing treats.  My friend Tracy had given me a quiche and a pot pie from there on my birthday and now I'm hooked.  Their business model is a little different ~ they send you an email on Monday.  You have until Wednesday to order and then pickup is Friday and Saturday.  Cash or check only.  We've tried several of their items and haven't been disappointed yet!

Now it's Monday and I need to start knocking items off my to-do list.  My inbox is still at 5,148 so I think I'm going to hit that hard today.  We are also meeting Ian, Kayla and Kayla's parents for dinner and games tonight.  Yay!  It will be a fun evening with lots of laughs.

Hope you're off to a wonderful start of the last few days of 2015!  I'm sharing the recipe tomorrow for the Dijon Sirloin Tips.  You won't want to miss it so I hope you stop back by!  Happy Monday everyone!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
Bella and the City
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Babysitting is the best! Have a wonderful Monday!!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  2. That little man has grown so much Penny!! I too have been catching up on shows and enjoying Christmas break, back to the grind stone for us both.

  3. Ooooh - cant wait for the dijon sirloin tip recipe!! And your photos are great - looks like you had a blast with your cutey nephew!
    Karen |

  4. Your little nephew is ridiculously adorable! I never have cash, so I'm always nervous a place will be cash only. I do have checks, though x), even if I hardly use them.

  5. Did you build an ark at all this weekend? ;)

    FYI on the inbox numbers, if you've read them on an Ipad or laptop, the number on the phone will stay the same. Its weird, I know, but my dad and Keith have the high numbers too but its because they didn't read it on their phone.

  6. Aw, your nephew is such a sweetheart! How cute!
    How to get away with murder is one of my new fave shows - it's so good!
    Happy Monday, Penny xxx

  7. Absolutely LOVE the photos!!
    Totally waiting for the new How To Get Away With Murder too!

  8. Loving the photos! And I'm with you on losing track of my days when I'm off. Hope you had a good Monday!

  9. Loving the photos! And I'm with you on losing track of my days when I'm off. Hope you had a good Monday!
