Friday, February 19, 2016

Five on Friday - February 19, 2016

Welcome to Friday! Wow, this week has flown by for me. I've been working a lot and still have a lot of work to go before I'm ready for a program at my real job next week.  I'm looking forward to a great weekend so I'll be all rested up and ready to go on Monday.  Before I start the weekend, here's my Five on Friday ~

1.  Our New Niece - Nevaeh
We got a very special surprise last week.  My brother's family adopted a precious little girl and they named her Nevaeh.  Her name is Heaven spelled backwards and she truly has been sent from there.  Eric and I went to their house last weekend to meet her and she stole our hearts.  We are so blessed to have her in our family!

2. Downton Abbey
There are so many things I love about Downton Abbey and I know I'm really going to miss this series when it concludes on March 6.  One of the things I'm going to miss the most is Maggie Smith and her witty comments as she plays Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham.  When I ran across this you tube video, I knew it was going to be one of my favorites this week.  What are you going to miss about Downton when it concludes?

3.  2016 Grammy Nominees CD
Eric has gotten me the Grammy Nominees CD for the last several years and I absolutely love them!  It's all the best songs wrapped up in one great package.  Artists like Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, and Meghan Trailor and many more have hits on this year's disc - 21 in total.  Great mix of music!

2016 GRAMMY Nominees
Click HERE to purchase
4. Finger Puppets
I was searching for some Easter basket ideas this week for my little niece and nephews and ran across these adorable little finger puppets. How cute are they!?! The set includes one elephant, rabbit, bear, cow, mouse, panda, frog, duck, koala and dog. Each are approximately 2-1/2" in size. All ten are only $6.99, with free shipping! How could I pass them up?

Click HERE to purchase
5.  Words to Live By....

Have a wonderful weekend!  I'm hoping not to have to work on Saturday during the day and then we're going to a retirement party for my friend Janet who retired a few weeks ago  in the evening.  A bonus this weekend is our weather is supposed to be in the 70s!  Woo Hoo!  I might have to break out the sunscreen!  See you back here next week!
Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I saw your buddy Ed won a Grammy. I bet you were happy. I will miss Violet too on Downton, she is my favorite. I hope you've checked Instagram lately because I featured one of your post from my linkup party. Enjoy the 70's this weekend, we are suppose to be warm too.

  2. I never watched downton but I'll need some new binge shows soon, I may have to look into it.

    Enjoy our hopefully gorgeous weather!

  3. Oh my goodness, Nevaeh is just precious. Just look at those apple cheeks and those lips.. Oh what a wonderful blessing.
    I already miss Downtow Abbey, I watched it when it came out in Britain and I have to say, I really do miss this show. It was an exceptionally good show with a captivating plot.

    Enjoy your weekend, Penny and hopefully you don't have to work.


  4. aww your niece is adorable!! so glad i came across your blog through the linkup and i can't wait to read more! hope you'll stop by mine!

  5. Love that quote at the end. Your brother's new addition is absolutely precious! I might have to check out those puppets for my boys. Thanks!

  6. Omg, I love the name Nevaeh! So pretty and perfect for your adorable niece :)

    That's a great quote, too... and finger puppets! So cute!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Babies are just the best! And your niece is just the cutest!

  8. What a pretty baby! Those finger puppets look so cute. I might have to get some for my daughter!

  9. Babies are such a blessing! She is precious! I haven't watched Downton Abbey in ages but Maggie Smith can do no wrong. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Awww! What a sweet new baby! Congrats!


  11. Congratulations on the addition to your family. She is adorable.

  12. Oh my - Grannie Violet definitely gets the best lines on that show. I will be SO sad after the finale! I was just thinking of blogging about it, to lessen the grief! Hope to put that up soon.
