Monday, February 15, 2016

Naughty Brownies!

A few weeks ago I participated in my very first Pampered Chef meeting and had the opportunity to see a couple recipes whipped up right before my eyes.  One of them I knew I wanted to share with you because, well -- you'll see why!  These brownies are just too good not share so you can enjoy them too!

Here's What You Need
Nonstick Cooking Spray
1 package (16.5 oz.) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
1/2 package fudge brownie mix (don't worry - you can use the other half to make some regular brownies)
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp water
2 eggs
12-24 miniature peanut butter cups (optional, but I highly recommend them)

Here's What You Do
~  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray wells of Brownie Pan with nonstick cooking spray.

~  Cut cookie dough evenly into 12 slices.  Place in wells of pan; gently press dough down into wells.

~  In a bowl (I used the Classic Batter Bowl), combine brownie mix oil water and eggs.

~  If desired (and trust me, you desire!), place 1-2 peanut butter cups on top of cookie dough, pressing down gently.

~ Using Medium Scoop, place 1 scoop of brownie batter into each well, being sure to not overfill wells.

~  Bake 19-21 minutes or until brownies pull away from sides of pan.

~  Remove pan from oven to Stackable Cooling Rack; let cool 5 minutes.  Serve and enjoy!

I have to say, I am loving the Brownie Pan!  It's one of those items that when I purchased it I wondered if I would really ever use it.  Well, I've used it twice in the last week and I see more brownie pan creations in my future.  I'm dying to use it for cornbread!  If you'd like to add one to your kitchen collection, it can be purchased HERE.

I love that this pan lets you make 12 perfectly sized desserts.  It's wonderful for serving to dinner guests or taking to a party and not worrying about slicing when you get there.  So glad I added it to my kitchen equipment!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Green Fashionista and Martinis & Bikinis: Recipe Swap
Eat Drink & Be Mary: Delicious Dish Tuesday
Love From The Kitchen: Tuesday's Table
The Diary of a Real Housewife
My Own Home
Caleigh's Kitchen
Tuesday Talk
Pennies into Pearls
Simply Sweet Home
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I've never seen a brownie pan like that before! Looks amazing! I'll pin this.

    By the way, do you know that your Twitter link up at the top of your page isn't going to the proper page?

  2. Wow, these brownies look so dangerously amazing!!!!!! Whoever thought this up-combining Reece's cups, brownie mix, and cookie dough-was brilliant.

  3. I love this brownie pan and now you've made me want to go make these in it!

  4. Those brownies sound amazing and definitely naughty. My kids and husband would go nuts for them. Yum! Love the pan too.

  5. Omg, these look and sound amazing! I just read Katie's post about chocolate chip cookies made with coconut flour and now these!! So yummy! Thank you, Penny!

  6. I haven't seen these before!! I'm going to have to try and make them!

  7. Oh those look very naughty! I recently made some brownies where you cook them regular and then you make no bake cookies and pour that batter on top of the brownies. The batter hardens like they would if they were spooned into cookies. So delicious! Brownies are my favorite dessert.

  8. Stopping by from the linkup. These look absolutely delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  9. Oh yeah! These look amazing. Too bad I can't eat peanut butter, I'd be all over these. My hubs does though and peanut butter cups are his favorite. Thanks for sharing with us today.

  10. Naughty is a good name for these! Yum! I've never seen a brownie pan before but looks handy!

  11. OMG. These are sinful! I can't wait to try them!

  12. I need that pan! Pampered Chef I'm sure :)

  13. These look so good! And I love the name ha

  14. OMG these look so good! But so not diet friendly! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  15. I've never seen a brownie pan like this before! LOVE IT! Also drooling over this recipe and definitely need to try it. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday! I'm featuring this as one of my favorite's for this week's DDT! Please feel free to stop by and grab the "Featured Favorite" button, and please keep sharing these amazing recipes!
