Friday, April 29, 2016

Five on Friday - April 29, 2016

How can it be Friday already?!?  Holy, moly this week has flown by!  I can't believe it's already been a week since I was getting ready for my friends to visit.  Still thinking about how much fun last weekend was.  

Before I start the fun for this weekend, let me share with you my five for this week.

1.  Hello, My Name is Doris
Eric and I had a date night mid-week and saw Hello, My Name is Doris.  Loved it!  We hadn't really heard a lot about this flick, but the show time was in the time range we were looking for, so that's how it got picked.  Sally Field is the leading lady and she had one heck of a performance.  She plays Doris who is a quirky women who finds her life unsettled after the death of her mother.  If you haven't seen it, you should add it to your list.

2.  Mother's Day
Speaking of movies going on the watch list, I'm adding Mother's Day to mine.  This movie opens today and has a multitude of famous actors.  Rotten Tomatoes describes it like this, "Mother's Day is the latest star studded ensemble comedy from director Garry Marshall ("Pretty Woman," "Valentine's Day"). Bringing together Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Julia Roberts along with Jason Sudeikis, it's a celebration of mothers everywhere. This big-hearted comedy invites us all to enjoy the laughter, tears and love as three generations come together in the week leading up to Mother's Day."  

3.  SlowMelt Popsicles
If you have little ones (or just like to eat your popsicles slowly), you are going to want to hear about these babies!  Popsicles that melt slow.  I remember the days when the warm summer sun melted the popsicle in my little guys hands much faster than he could eat it.  These slow melt pops give kiddos a chance to get more in their mouths than drips on the ground (or carpet, or couch, you get the picture).  Stock up now before the warm weather is here to stay.

If you saw my post from yesterday, you got a peek at these shoes.  I love them so much I wanted to make them one of my five for this week.  They are available in many collegiate and MLB patterns.  My favorite is the St. Louis Cardinal ones and I've added them to my shoe collection.  Love them!  Is your favorite team available?  You know you need a pair! Click HERE to check them out!
5.  Just a thought....

Now let's get this weekend started!  Have a fabulous Friday.  Got plans for the weekend?  I'm going to the St. Louis Vintage Fair then on to a bachelorette party on Saturday.  On Sunday I'm getting ready for a little gender reveal party I'm having at my house on Monday night.  Fun times ahead!  See you back here on Monday for the recap.

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I want to see the Doris movie so much...thanks for the review!

  2. The reviewers here gave Mothers Day 1.5 stars and said it was trite - but what would a man know about mothers day movies? :)

  3. I'm dying to see the Sally Field movie and "Mother's Day" is definitely on my list. Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm dying to see the Sally Field movie and "Mother's Day" is definitely on my list. Have a great weekend!

  5. I'll need to check out the slow melt popsicles! With three little ones, these with help summer snack time be a little cleaner.

  6. I'll need to check out the slow melt popsicles! With three little ones, these with help summer snack time be a little cleaner.

  7. Nice round-up! I mentioned Mark Twain in my post today as well. :)

  8. I love the shoes!! They are perfect for comfy dressed weekends. Awesome Five on Friday!

  9. That looks like a great movie, I love Sally Fields. It's been a while since she's been in a movie. I haven't seen the preview but doesn't surprise me since we don't have cable.

    Have a great weekend Penny! ;)

  10. I've heard of that movie and I love Sally Field! I also want to see Mother's Day.
    Those Popsicles sound awesome! I love Popsicles! And that Mark Twain quote is awesome! Happy weekend

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great list! I'll have to head to the theater for a movie soon. I saw the previews for the Mother's Day flick and it seemed like a good option. Of course, I'll need to buy a few large packs of candy and a bag of chocolate covered almonds to stash in my purse. Shhhh!
