Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekending - May 6, 2016

Mother's Day weekend is behind us and I have to say, this was a good one.  I got to spend time with my mom and my son and daughter-in-law.  Best of both worlds!

Saturday morning Eric and I headed down to my home town to celebrate our nephew's Kindergarten graduation.  It was adorable to see three classes of kiddos proudly step forward when their name was called to receive their certificate.  I know some people might think that a graduation at that age is a bit much, but my view is life is short.  Use every opportunity you can to celebrate ~ even if it's a Kindergarten graduation.

The gift we chose to give the little graduate was very well received.  What can you get a Kindergarten graduate you ask?  Well, we gifted him a kite!  From the pictures his mom sent me the following day, I'd say it was a hit!

Saturday afternoon was spent holding all the new babies (3 in total) and visiting with family.  My dad grilled some amazing pork steaks and we all enjoying setting down to eat together.  The conversation around our family dinner table is always entertaining.

Kayla and Ian came over after church on Sunday to work on a few table decorations for his graduation luncheon this coming weekend.  It was honestly a great way for me to spend Mother's Day.  I'm so very lucky that Ian married her.  She is the daughter I never had and it's so great to spend time with her.

When Eric got off work, the four of us went to dinner at Bridge Tap House and Wine Bar.  Cool little place in downtown St. Louis.  Their casual atmosphere and trendy ambience was the perfect way to cap off the weekend.  If you go, order a cheese board.  Sorry no picture -- we ate it too fast.

This is a busy week.  I'm meeting with Amanda (the bride I'm working with) to get some final details worked out and Ian's graduating from law school on Thursday.  Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my baby is graduating from law school!  So proud of him!!

Hope you are off to a great start to your week.  I'm taking Friday off work and my parents are visiting so I'm planning a fun day with them.  See you back here on Thursday for our Thinking Out Loud linkup.

Linking up with:
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Tuesday Talk
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. That's really nice to hear from a mother in law's perspective just how proud of and elated that Kayla is your daughter in law. It makes it so much easier when you try to have a good relationship with family and partners of your loved ones. That's amazing he's almost finished with law school! :)

    That restaurant wall is gorgeous! I think I could stare at it for DAYS!

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Happy Mother's Day!
