Friday, June 24, 2016

Five on Friday - June 24, 2016

Hey, hey!  It's Friday!!  I got an early start to the weekend -- my friend Linda traveled in on Wednesday night and we have been planted in front of the TV to binge watch the new season of Orange is the New Black.  We will definitely finish it before Monday morning rolls around.

Before we start our next episode, here's my five on Friday.

1.  Seche Vite
Linda turned me on to this wonderful find -- a dry fast top coat.  I've been painting my own nails for years and this top coat really makes your nails shine like they were done at the salon.  An added benefit is it extends the life of your manicure.  Polish stays in place so much longer when using Seche.  Click HERE to learn more or purchase.

Next up on my summer reading list is Noah Hawley's book Before The Fall.  I hear it is a real page turner that's hard to put down.  Here's the Amazon description:  "Noah Hawley’s new novel begins with the crash of a private plane carrying some very influential people on board. The only survivors are the young son of a media mogul and an obscure painter who, given his less than elevated status, seems like a wild card from the start. What happened on that flight? Why did the plane go down and if it was intentional, who was the target? With each chapter of Before the Fall, Hawley peels back another layer of the lives of those onboard that fatal flight meanwhile, the media speculation and accusations in the days after the crash threaten to overwhelm truth and decency. The end is surprising, even a little bit of a “huh.” moment at first, but it’s an ending that sinks in and starts the wheels turning on everything that came before it, which, to me, is the hallmark of an unforgettable story."  Named an Amazon Best Book of 2016, I can't wait to read it.  Click HERE to see more.  

3.  Independence Day Resurgence
Looking for a movie to see to escape this summer heat?  Well Independence Day Resurgence open this weekend!  Perfect timing too since July 4th is right around the corner.  Here's the official summary:  "As the Fourth of July nears, satellite engineer David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) investigates a 3,000-mile-wide mother ship that's approaching Earth. Fortunately, 20 years earlier, nations across the world started to use recovered extraterrestrial technology to develop an immense defense program. When the alien invaders attack with unprecedented force, the U.S. president, teams of scientists and brave fighter pilots spring into action to save the planet from a seemingly invincible enemy."  Sounds like a must see to me!

This bad boy arrived at my house and I don't know why I waited so long to get an exercise ball!  A few videos using an exercise ball had passed through my Facebook feed and it looked like movements I could actually do, so I decided to give it a try.  No regrets!  I can easily do a few exercises while I'm watching TV (nothing like multi-tasking) and am looking forward to seeing some results.  This particular ball came with it's own pump and for under $15, it is an excellent fitness tool.

5.  Are you thirsty?

My goals for this weekend are pretty fun ones ~ finish Orange Is The New Black, go to Memphis, have lots of fun and return home safely.  Linda and I are off to Memphis first thing Friday morning for some Blues and great food.  The plan is to also take in a few museums.  I'll tell you all about it next week!  Hope you have some great goals for this weekend too!  

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Memphis is wonderful - have you been? If not, I have plenty of ideas for you if you need them. We've been several times and love it each time :)

  2. I LOVE fitness balls! There are so many things you can do with it! Another great and cheap resistance option is resistance bands or mini bands!

  3. I have an exercise ball... in a box... not blown up yet... for maybe a year now?! ha I think I need to finally break that out! Happy Friday!

  4. Thank you so much for the reading suggestion--always looking for a new book to read and the last one I finished was just kind of meh... this one looks really interesting and I've just placed a hold at my local library.

    I don't use fitness balls, though I think I have one here somewhere, like Alexandra still in a box (shhhh).

    Happy Friday! Hope you enjoy your weekend :)

  5. Ha! I love the margarita tip! I drink water constantly...but sometimes you do just need dark chocolate amaretto pudding. Better to indulge a little than a lot!

  6. I love that top coat, best there is out there! :)

  7. Not gonna lie, I think I kinda want to see Independence Day. I think I'll wait til we get back from Barbados to see if it's still playing at the drive in.

    We finished OITNB yesterday ... Such a good season. Now I'm just stuck waiting around for a new season to drop because this series is just so darn good.

    Have a fantastic weekend with your girlfriend!

  8. I have heard great things about Seche Vite! Just might have to give it a try :)

    Have a great weekend!

    - Jessy

  9. I would love to get an exercise ball! My chiropractor suggested I get one after our car accident and I think that it would be extremely beneficial. We just started watching the newest season of Orange is the New Black! So far so good :)

  10. I'm finally finishing up last season of OITKB. . .is this season better? Because I dropped the last season for like 10 months. Love that top coat! I saw that they recently came out with a "gel" version that I'd like to try.

    Thanks for linking up with us for H54F!

