Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Foil Pouch Pineapple Upside Down Cake

If you read my post from yesterday, you know that we went camping last weekend. Now camping might not be a big deal to some of you, but for me it is. The time before this past weekend that I camped was about 12 years ago. It's rare that Eric has two days off together in a week, so on the very rare occasion that he does, camping doesn't bubble to the top very often. This past weekend all the stars aligned and camping we went.

One of the things I love most about pitching a tent and hanging out in the woods is the food. Fixing great meals while camping has always been something my dad does -- and does very well! He has a variety of things he can make in his dutch oven that are to die for.

This past weekend I decided to fix a camp fire dessert that we have every time we camp (which is about every 12 years). It's so yummy and I honestly don't know why I don't pop this on the grill at home when we're not camping. I'd like to share the recipe with you today because I'm sure you'll like it too! And because it deserves to be fixed and enjoyed more often than every decade. Wondering what it is? It's Foil Pouch Pineapple Upside Down Cake!

Here's What You Need
Cake-style donuts
Can of Pineapple Slices (one can has 10 slices in it)
Brown Sugar
Marachino Cherries
Aluminum Foil

Here's What You Do

Tear off a piece of aluminum foil big enough to make a pouch around a donut.  Cut your donut in half and lay one half on the aluminum foil.  Put a little bit of butter and brown sugar on top of the donut.

Lay a pineapple ring on top and sprinkle a bit more brown sugar.  Drop a cherry in the middle of the pineapple ring.

Fold the aluminum foil into a pouch around the donut.  

Pop on the grill and let cook.  We put them on when we pull our entrees off the grill and let cook while we're eating.  

When you're ready for dessert, pull open the pouch and enjoy the pineapple upside down cake!  This mound of golden goodness is so moist and delicious!  

I love how the pineapple gets just a bit caramelized!  This is such an easy recipe and it's my goal to make it on the grill at home the next time we are in the mood for a little something sweet.  Hope you enjoy it too!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Eat Drink & Be Mary: Delicious Dish Tuesday
Love From The Kitchen: Tuesday's Table
The Diary of a Real Housewife
My Own Home
While I'm Waiting
Tuesday Talk
Pennies into Pearls
Simply Sweet Home
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Oh my goodness, this looks amazing. I would never have thought to use the cake donut, that's a great idea!

  2. oooo! Pinning this for our next camping trip.

  3. I want this NOW! This looks so yummy!

  4. What a nice campground treat. Although I'd eat the donuts first! Looks so easy and I bet it is so tasty alongside the campfire!

  5. I never think about dessert on the grill - such a good idea!

  6. This is genius!! I would most definitely love this while camping as I have never been a smores gal ;)

  7. I love this idea! I've only been camping once in my entire life (I'm 30). I'm going again in three months, and I just might have to make this, because I love pineapple upside down cake!


  8. This is so awesome! I love how easy it is. I'm definitely saving this to try out on a backyard bonfire this summer. I'm going to be sharing this on social media and featuring it on Tuesday Talk this week. Thanks for always sharing such great posts every week! -Jessica, Sweet Little Ones
