Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekending - July 22, 2016

Welcome to Monday!  Did you have a great weekend?  If you read my post from Friday, you know I took the day off to try to get a grip on my to do list.  Well, some things got done and some things didn't.  It's a habit of mine to let my Things To Get Done list spiral out of control.  Adding things to the list is so easy, but in reality it would take 34738728374 hours to do it all.  So I settle.  I get done what I can and move the stuff that didn't get crossed off the list to the next to do list and begin again.  So as I approach this week, there is still a ton of stuff I need want to get done.

But here are some things I did get done this weekend -

Friday ended up being a pretty great day.  Eric and I got up early and headed out for a walk.  The heat of the day hadn't gotten out of control yet and it felt good to get a little exercise in first thing in the morning.  We really need to do that more often.

After Eric left for work, I got ready and headed out to pick up some embroidered items I had ordered from Namely Yours.  Namely Yours is an adorable little shop in O'Fallon, Illinois.  My friend Lauren's baby shower was Saturday and I wanted my gift to be personalized.  The gifts could not have turned out more adorable!  Take a look ~

From there I had a pedicure, went to Eckert's to pick some peaches and blackberries then swung in Michael's to pick up some craft supplies I needed.  Much to my dismay, this was what was on display as soon as you walk in the door.

Halloween already!?!  Oh my, I'm not ready for summer to be over.  Fall is coming, but I hope to enjoy the summer season for a while longer.

Friday night, Eric and I joined another couple at the Cardinals baseball game.  The game went 16 innings!  We make it to the 13th inning and decided to call it a night.  Saturday was going to be busy and I didn't want to start the day tired.

Saturday morning was Lauren's baby shower.  Her sisters-in-law were hosting the shower and had made a last minute call to move the shower from the original outdoor location to one of their Aunt's house.  So glad they made that call because Saturday was HOT!  The shower was lovely!

 I contributed a few things to the decorations.  The gift banner below added a special touch as well as the accents to the diaper cake and personalized wreath.  Little Lillian is already so loved and I can't wait to meet her when she makes her appearance.

It's been a while since I proclaimed how much I love my Silhouette Cameo.  Well, I still do!  The gift banner, diaper cake accents and personalized wreath were all whipped up with the help of the Silhouette.  I also used the Silhouette to personalize my present.

After the shower, I stopped by my friend Rachel's house to help her with a project.  She had purchased a very large print from Ikea and wanted to add one of her favorite verses it.  She ordered the verse on vinyl and we adhered it to the print.  Turned out great!

We then headed to my home town to see the kids.  The babies are growing up way too quick and we just can't get enough of them.  I tried to get a picture with me and all three of them.  Major fail!  We'll have to try again next time!

I wish I had gotten a picture of the chicken my dad grilled.  It was delicious!  He also made zucchini on the grill that was fantastic.  I brought some zucchini home with me.  I'm going to try to make his recipe and will share it with you later.

Sunday after church we popped in Chevy's for lunch and I had a great salmon dish.  Yum!

After Eric left for work, I finished reading After the Fall.  Best book I've read in a while!  It was one of those that I couldn't wait to go to bed at night so I could read.  Have you read it?  I highly recommend adding this New York Times bestseller to your book list.

Just one more thing - I currently have a Pampered Chef show open.  Do you need something from Pampered Chef?  Or just want to look around and see what products they have?  Click HERE to place your order or check out the products.

Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!  I'm going to be working on getting some clothes out of my closet to donate and preparing for my friends that are coming to visit next weekend.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
Bella and the City
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I'd love summer to stick around BUT with fall temps :)

  2. What a cute little shower :) I love it

  3. The shower turned out SO cute! Her daughters name is so similar to my babes name - Lilli :)

  4. The shower looked so adorable and your gifts were so cute! I am not ready for the Halloween stuff to be out just yet. Just let us all hold on to summer a little longer!

  5. I am so ready for summer to be over! The Halloween stuff in the store makes me happy!

  6. Hi Penny! Love Pampered Chef and haven't ordered in a while!! What are your favorites or can't live without gadgets lately? Thanks!

  7. Sounds like it's been busy, yet good times, for you. I love personalized gifts. Those baby items are adorable.
