Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - September 15, 2016

Happy Thursday!  It's been a bit since I sat down long enough to put a post together.  I'm blaming it on post vacation reality.  Work and home life had some catching up that needed to be done.  Hopefully that will be under control shortly and I can get back to posting more regularly again.

Thanks for stopping in today and glad you could join me and Vanessa from X-tremely V for this week's version of Thinking Out Loud Thursday.

Speaking of vacation, that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  My friend, Debbie, and I headed to Hong Kong on September 2 and for a week submerged ourselves into their culture.  Heck, by the end of the week I was really beginning to feel like a true Hongkonger!  Debbie's daughter, Julie, has lived in Hong Kong for the last four years and her finance, Jeremy, for many more years than that.  Pair their knowledge of the area with Debbie's past visits to Hong Kong and I had the best team of tour guides a girl could ask for.

Now, let me just say up front that I'm by no means a world traveler.  This was my first trip to Asia and the longest time I had ever sat on an airplane.  We first flew to Dallas, then had a direct flight from there to Hong Kong.  From Dallas to Hong Kong was approximately 16 hours on the plane, back from there around 15 hours.  Long flights!  Honestly, the flights weren't as bad as I had envisioned them being.  In a separate post I'll share my thoughts on how to survive on long plane trips.

Even though it rained most of the days we were there, we made the decision to not let that get in our way of having fun and seeing the sites on our lists.  Best decision ever!  Luckily Debbie is the type of travelling partner that wasn't going to let the rain slow us down.

Hong Kong has the most efficient mass transit system I've seen in my life.  We were able to buzz around via train or bus with ease on their MTRs.  In some ways it reminded me of the system in Washington, DC.  Even though at times it could be quite crowded, the trains were clean and well labeled.  They were even so smooth we could take selfies while buzzing from station to station!

We stayed in a hotel in Sai Ying Pun that was just a hop, skip and a jump to an MTR station. Although our room was small in size, it was very clean.  Our beds were twin size - hadn't slept on one of those since childhood.  It really made me realize (and appreciate) the space I have in my own home.  Here's a view from our window.

For now, I'm going to leave you with a few snapshots from the trip.  There will be more posts about the things we did and the food we enjoyed hopefully soon!

There was the most beautiful sunset on our way home from Dallas to St. Louis.  Perfect ending to the trip!

Now it's your turn to let us know what you're Thinking Out Loud about today.  Link up below - we love hearing from you!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
Party at My Place
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Wow! What an amazing trip. How lucky to have built in travel guides, the thought of touring HongKong on my own is just too overwhelming. Your pictures are just beautiful. Looking forward to hearing more about the trip.

  2. Can't wait to hear more about it!

  3. Looks like you had a fabulous trip! I was born in the Philippines (2 hr ride from Hong Kong) and I agree with you: flying internationally on that part of the world can be long and tedious. With stopovers, it can take up to 20 hours to get from US to anywhere in South East Asia.

    Kudos to you for surviving the flight and for having such a wonderful time in Hong Kong. Thanks for sharing your snapshots with us on #shinebloghop this week :)
