Thursday, October 6, 2016

Five on Friday - October 7, 2016

Welcome to Friday!  This week has flown by and I would be lying if I said I wasn't so excited for the weekend looking at us in face.  I have a list a mile long of things to do and but some really fun stuff happening too.  And I'm excited to share my five with you today ~

1.  Register to Vote
Are you registered to vote this November?  Many of the state deadlines to registered are fast approaching (Missouri is October 12), so if you're not registered you should hop on it.  Having the right to vote is such a privilege - don't waste your chance!

2.  OPI Breakfast at Tiffany's Nail Polish
OPI has done it again - the new Breakfast at Tiffany's colors are out.  Twelve magnificent colors just in time for the holidays.  There are several collections available at Ulta.  How fun would these be to tuck in someone's Christmas stocking.  Hey - it's not too early to start thinking about Christmas.  Only 78 more wake ups until the big day.
Click HERE to purchase

Click HERE to purchase

3.  Hands Free Life
Over the last several days, I've listened to Rachel Macy Stafford's Hands Free Life as I'm getting ready for work.  I wish I could place a copy of this book in every young mother's hands! Really, it is a great book for everyone.  The thought-provoking messages are well written and interesting.  It is one of the most inspirational books I've ever read.  Want a copy?  Click HERE to get yours.

Image result for hands free life

4.  The Girl on the Train Movie
I've been waiting for this one!  The book got so much hype, but I really never got into it.  To be honest, once I saw the previews for the movie I stopped reading and thought I'd just wait for the movie release.  Well it's released!  Hoping to find a time to see it this weekend.  Here's the summary,
"Commuter Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) catches daily glimpses of a seemingly perfect couple, Scott and Megan, from the window of her train. One day, Watson witnesses something shocking unfold in the backyard of the strangers' home. Rachel tells the authorities what she thinks she saw after learning that Megan is now missing and feared dead. Unable to trust her own memory, the troubled woman begins her own investigation, while police suspect that Rachel may have crossed a dangerous line."

5.  Something to think about.....

Have a great fall weekend!  I'm hoping to visit a lavender farm tomorrow and am going to the symphony Sunday for a Prince tribute.  Fun, fun and more fun!  My goal is to tell you all about it on Monday.  I haven't been the best at sharing my weekending adventures with you lately, but hopefully I will be able to fit in a blog post on Monday.  Toodles!

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. We've already bought our "train" tickets for tomorrow night! Eek! Can't wait!

  2. We plan on seeing the train movie tonight for my birthday, should be good. I figured I should have read the book too but nowadays I just go for the movie so I'm not expecting too much.

  3. I would love to hear what you think of the movie! I just finished the book. It was... good but not as good as everyone said in my opinion. I've heard not great things about the movie though :-/

  4. I am registered! I filled out the application to vote from home, so hopefully that goes through!

  5. Let me know as well what your thoughts on the movie are. I've been saying for months and months that I need to read that book but have yet to get around to it. I'd like to read it first but if not I'll settle with the movie. It looks dark from the preview although not quite as dark as Gone Girl.

    Have a great weekend my dear! xo

  6. Let us know what you think of the movie. To be honest, although I did finish the book, I didn't really like it. Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Thanks for the voting reminder. I need to get my butt on that. We moved in July and I haven't got around to registering yet. I'm hoping to see The Girl on the Train. Looks like a good movie.

  8. I read the book and didn't love it, but yes I saw the movie was coming out and thought I would like to watch it #10thingsthatmademehappy
