Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Finding Beauty

Happy Thursday!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday! Thanks for popping in to join me and Vanessa from X-tremely V for our little linkup party.

What a week we have all been through.  Eric and I are on vacation and are spending a little bit of time just enjoying each other and relaxing.  We are currently in Asheville, North Carolina and today I'm thinking about the beauty around us.

We have had the opportunity to see so many beautiful things in nature this week. It makes me wonder if the people who live in the middle of all this beauty stop to enjoy it.  Or are they so wrapped up in their day-to-day it all just blends into the background?

DuPont Forest

DuPont Forest

It also makes me wonder how many beautiful things in my everyday surroundings I don't stop to appreciate.  I know they are there, but am I seeing them?

What's beautiful around you?  Do you stop occasionally to breath it in?  In our busy, fast-paced lives we need to remember to linger on awe-inspiring things.

hikes near Asheville

I hope as we arrive home after vacation and become submersed in our day-to-day, I can still remember to stop and enjoy the beauty of life around me.

What beautiful things are in the area you live in?  Do you stop to appreciate them?  My hope today is that we all do a better job at noticing the beauty in our lives and taking the time to let it sink in.

North Carolina, Smoky Mountains

That's what I'm thinking about today.  What's on your mind?  Link up below and let us know.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:

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  1. Today, I'm thinking how wonderful this world is. I put up a link to donate to my kiddos and wonderful people like you - who have never met me, never met these kids, but out of the kindness of your heart donated money to ensure they had a school year full of experiences.

    I want to thank you again and again and again for thinking of others and helping me find the little moments of good this week :)

    I appreciate you! I hope you and your husband are having fun!! I've been told that Asheville is a great place to visit! It's only a few hours from here so it's on our bucket list of places to visit before we move!

  2. Wow! Looks like I need to add NC to my bucket list! Gorgeous!!!

  3. I love Asheville! I really need to go back and visit again; it's so beautiful there!

  4. Oh my goodness those photos are gorgeous!!! I need a waterfall in my life asap. thank you for sharing!

  5. Beautiful photos! North Carolina really is beautiful and I'd love to spend another vacation there some day! Thank you for sharing, Penny!

  6. Wow, so much beauty around you! And it's so true, we sure do forget to stop and look around us.

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  7. Wow I didn't realize Asheville was so gorgeous! We don't live far from there so we really should make a weekend trip there.

  8. Enjoy your trip! Hope you got to see Biltmore. I saw your pic in Louisville - don't know how long you are there but you should eat at Feast BBQ. You'll love it!
