Friday, December 9, 2016

Five on Friday - December 9, 2016

We've made it to Friday!  YAY!  It's going to be a cold weekend in St. Louis ~ kind of puts you in the holiday mood.  We still have some shopping to do and a bit of decorating.  Did you see our tour of trees from yesterday?  I plan on doing a lot of enjoying the twinkling lights this weekend.

Here's my five things for this week ~

1.  EzPz Placemat
Have you played pick up with a toddler at dinnertime before?  This placemat stays in place.  No more bowls or plates being tossed on the floor.  Where was this item when Ian was little?!?  As a bonus, I've attached a little video that shows this mat in action.  Want one?  Check it out HERE.
ezpz Happy Mat - One-piece silicone placemat + plate (Blue)

2.  Santa Hat Hershey's Kisses
I saw these in person this week and they are adorable!  Have you seen them?  Apparently they are available at Walmart and Target.  I'm going to be on the lookout for them this weekend.  Perfect to toss in the candy jar this holiday season!

One of my friends gave me this Kate Spade book for my birthday and I LOVE it!  Here's what Amazon has to say about it, "In this charming guide to entertaining, kate spade new york throws rigid rules out the door and shares unpretentious ideas for the modern-day hostess that are easy, festive, authentic, and always with an air of deliberate polish. Filled with how-tos, personal essays, anecdotes, recipes, and a liberal dash of style, all in good taste will transform you into the hostess everyone wants an invitation from. the book covers the essential lost arts—how to shuck an oyster, curate a vibrant guest list, guide a dinner-table discussion—right alongside modern conundrums such as Instagram etiquette at dinner. whether you entertain a little or a lot, or just love being the person everyone wants to sit next to at dinner, all in good taste is the modern classic you’ll treasure for years."  How adorable would this be as a hostess gift!  Want one?  Click HERE.

                    Image result for kate spade all in good taste

4.  Rolling Stones Ole' Ole' Ole'
Guess what I'm doing on Monday night -- I'm seeing this Rolling Stones movie!  So excited!!  Wonder how the Rolling Stones 2016 tour of Latin America went?  Well, this documentary will walk you through it.  It's only being shown on Monday, December 12 in select theaters so check to see if it's playing in your area today.  

Image result for rolling stones ole ole ole
5.  Cheers!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  We are headed to a couple parties and I'm really hoping to start my wrapping.  Tomorrow I'm sharing one of my favorite shops with you -- stop back by and check it out.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. That "Christmas Tree" is EPIC. It made me almost spit out my coffee. Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend Penny! xo

  2. That placemat plate is such a good idea! And the tree cracks me up. I've seen people put lights on the wall in the shape of a tree and liked that idea as well.

  3. My plan is to get all my shopping done tonight...fingers crossed!

  4. I love those Hershey kisses and that Kate Spade book is on my list. Jess at Just Jess

  5. That hostess book looks adorable (and would make a perfect gift for so many people I know!!). Also the hershey kisses are adorable <3 LOLOL @ that tree. I swear, your blog is always such a feel-good time. Enjoy the Stones movie and report back to us!
