Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - December 1, 2016

Hello guys!  I took a little unscheduled time off from blogging and have so many exciting things to share with you!  Glad you stopped by for Thinking Out Loud Thursday today! Vanessa from X-tremely V and I love company for our little linkup party.

Since the moment we put the leftover turkey in the frig on Thanksgiving day, I've been thinking about Christmas.  I was wondering when our first Christmas cards would start arriving in the mail.  So that's what I'm thinking out loud about today!

Getting cards in the mail is a highlight of the day for me.  Don't you just love opening the mailbox and seeing those special envelopes peeking out at you?  Each one holds a message from a friend from far or near.  Sadly, it has been quite a few years since I've mailed Christmas cards out - four to be exact.  Well, this year I'm bringing back sending out cards!

Prior to my stoppage, I would spend countless hours making my own card creations and loved it!  Loved it, that is, for about the first 15.  Then it became a bit of a drag.  By the time I finished with the 60 or so cards for people on my list I was not the pleasant person I started out being when card number 1 was completed.  As years went on and the time for Christmas card making came around, my family would almost beg me to just skip doing it.

Well, this year I'm sending cards AND my loving husband will not be seeing a change in my mood.  As a matter of fact, he might even notice me being a bit more cheerful than normal.  My favorite photographer in the world - Erica Turner of Turner Creative - snapped some family pictures of us a few weeks ago and I decided to use them for our Christmas cards this year.  After searching several sites that offer personalized cards, I chose Tiny Prints.

The design I picked allowed for a few pictures on the back, which I loved because who doesn't like a fun backside?!?  And it even has a little white space for me to jot a note.

Designing the card was super easy and you want to hear the best part?  You can download your addresses and they will print your envelopes for you!!  All I have to do is slip the card in the envelope, seal, pop on a stamp and I'm good to go.  Tiny Prints where have you been all my life?!?

I ordered them on November 22 and they arrived in my mailbox on Tuesday!  Which means, if you are still on the fence about having time to send Christmas cards -- you definitely do have time!  Put a little smile on your family and friends faces - send them a card!

I'll let you in on something else -- today Tiny Prints is running a deal on their personalized mugs.  Pop over and check it out.  But the mug thing is the deal for Thursday only so don't procrastinate on this one.  Who on my Christmas list could I gift a personalized mug to?!?  Do you have anyone on your list that could use a mug or two?

So that's what I'm thinking about today.  What's on your mind?  Link up below and let us know!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. Love your Christmas card design, and the pictures are gorgeous! The saying "find your Merry' certainly gives a different perspective to holiday cheer. Your experience is only what you make it! Have a great Thursday!

  2. You've got a beautiful family!! We made our wedding thank you cards through Tiny Prints and, man oh man, was I grateful. It made it so much more personal, but also WAY QUICKER! (Although, it still took me longer than the average person to get out in the mail. I'm terrible!)

  3. Your Christmas cards are beautiful! Love them!
    I cannot believe Christmas is so close and that 2016 soon will be gone!
    Happy Thursday, Penny xxx

  4. Those cards look great! Thanks for sharing at the Grace + Lace Linkup!

  5. Tiny Prints did a great job with your cards! I hope to be able to do customized ones next year!

  6. This is definitely my favorite time of year for mail! I did the pre-printed envelopes this year and oh my goodness how fabulous that was. We definitely make it a bit of a family project to add stamps and seal those boogers. Thanks for sharing!
