Thursday, January 19, 2017

Five on Friday - January 20, 2017

Oh my gosh -- I can't express how glad I am that it's Friday!  I've been away on business all week and get to return home today.  Can.Not.Wait!

Hope you enjoy today's five ~

1.  Ticket to Ride
Every year we head to Kansas City to join our friends for New Year's Eve.  The holiday is spent playing all kinds of board and card games.  This year we added a new game to the mix - Ticket to Ride.  Have you played before?  So much fun!!  The game has a variety of strategic and tactical choices as you build railroads across the US and Canada, making it a little different every time you play.  If you have 30-60 minutes and 2-5 players, you should give this game a try.  We loved it so much that we had to buy the game to have at our house.  Anyone want to come over and play?  If you want one for your family, click HERE to purchase.

2.  Shout Color Catcher
Who has ever put a red shirt in the same laundry load as their favorite white one?  (My hand is raised.)  We all know the terrible results that can produce.  Scared to give the task of washing clothes to your teenager for fear your entire wardrobe will turn a soft pink color?  Well, fear no more!  These Shout Color Catcher sheets lock up loose dyes and prevent them from bleeding all over your other clothes.  That's right, no need to sort!  Now you don't have to do just a half load.  Load it up with all your colors, toss in a Shout Color Catcher and be on your way.  Need some?  Get yours HERE!

3.  Birchbox 
You've heard me say a million times how much I love my Birchbox.  My friend Tracy gave me my first subscription for a birthday present and I've been a loyal subscriber ever since.  If you haven't taken the plunge and joined, now might be the perfect time for you.  Right now new subscribers get an extra box for FREE by using the code DOUBLEFUN.  That's right -- you can get TWO boxes, each filled with five magical beauty products for just $10!  Pretty cool deal.  Click HERE to check it out.

4.  This Is Us
Are you a fan of This Is Us??  I sure am and was thrilled to read that NBC has renewed it for a second AND third season!!  Whoop!  Whoop!  Will we get to see Kate loose weight?  Will Kevin settle down with a love of his life?  Will Randall totally forgive Rebecca?  Hopefully over the next 2 years we will find out!

5.  Time to go on a diet....

Have a great weekend!  We are headed to Eric's hometown to finally celebrate Christmas with his mom.  I've got a list of things I want to do around the house a mile long so hopefully some of that will be happening too.  Whatever you're doing, I hope you have a wonderful time.  Hope to see you back here soon!

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I'm a board game fanatic! I have to check that one out. I haven't seen This is Us. But everyone keeps raving about it. (Plus, I've been a Milo fan since Gilmore Girls!)

    I'm with you on the whole diet thing. I have been trying to do Weight Watchers solo (online membership only), but I think I've gotta pay a little extra to attend the meetings. Accountability is the only thing that works for me!

  2. I got off of the This Is Us train because I needed sleep so I have a bunch of catching up to do! But I keep seeing posts from my friends on facebook saying "Stop making me cry!" and things like that so I'm like not emotionally prepared for it. I'm guessing I'll need lots of tissues. I really do love that show.

  3. That game sounds like so much fun--have never heard of it before!

    Also, this is us--so so good... can never make it through an entire episode without tears <3

    Enjoy Christmas this weekend--and thanks for letting us know about birchbox--that's a great deal!

  4. I have never played that game but have considered giving it to my dad because he loves trains and it would be a great excuse to play!

    ...and yes yes yes to This Is Us!! I actually got Keith to watch the other night and he was asking me all sorts of questions so it may be our new show, ha!

  5. I am addicted to This is US!! It made my list this week too.

  6. Happy Friday! That game looks fun. My hubby is always looking for new games. Have you ever played Settlers of Catan? That's another fun one, too.
    Have a great weekend my dear! xoxoxo

  7. Just ordered the birchbox...thanks for the code!

  8. Ticket to Ride is so fun! We have a Europe board and an Africa one. I will admit I have no idea where anything was in Africa until we played that one haha

  9. Yes!!!! I'm obsessed with This Is Us...I end each episode screaming, "That's it??" xoxo

  10. I'm going to try birchbox for sure. Thank you I may become a member as well. :-) -Cass from

  11. HA!! I'd definitely be a circle! Although I've been good about sticking with the exercise resolution, I just love eating too much! Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
