Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - January 26, 2017

Hello!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  So glad you popped in and, if you are a blogger, hope you link your favorite post below.

Today I'm thinking about the Academy Award nominations.  Tuesday morning, bright and early, Jennifer Hudson, Brie Larson, Emmanuel Lubezki, Jason Reitman and Ken Watanabe joined Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs to fill us in on who got a nomination nod.

Image result for academy awards 2017

It's kind of a thing with me, I try to see all the Best Picture nominated films.  It's an added bonus if I can see all the movies that have the best actors and actresses.  Which means the months of January and February I'm in the movie theaters A LOT!  Popcorn for dinner anyone?!? Do you try to see all the nominated films?

This year, here's the Best Picture nominations ~

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

So of the 9 nominated films, as of today I've seen only 4.  

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

Of the ones I've seen, Hidden Figures is my favorite.  Manchester by the Sea is my least.  If there's anyone out there that likes it, please message me.  I would truly like to hear what all the hype is about.  I had to have missed something because I'm not seeing it.  

Image result for hidden figures

Can't wait for Jimmy Kimmel to host the show on Sunday, February 26!  Some years I've hosted an Oscar party that even includes a red carpet.  This year I think I'll quietly watch the show without the fuss of a formal get together.  Love watching the red carpet and seeing all the dresses parade in!  Click HERE for a 2017 Oscar ballot if you what to take a stab at who you think will be the big winners.

Here's some fun facts about the actual Oscars ~
     - The Oscar statue weighs 8.5 pounds and stands 13-1/2 inches tall.
     - The Godfather: Part II (1974) is the only sequel to have won the Best Picture award.
     - Bob Hope has hosted the Oscars 19 times, making him the most frequent host ever.
     - The seating capacity of the Dolby Theatre on Oscar night is 3,300 seats.
     - The length of the red carpet at the Dolby Theatre is 152.4 metres (500 feet).

But enough of what I'm thinking out loud about today ~ what's on your mind?  Link up below and let us know.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. We haven't been going to the movies this year, so I have a ton to catch up on!!

  2. I'm dying to see La La Land!! I don't normally watch the Oscars because I never get around to watching the movies in time!

    Okay question - between the two Jimmys, who do you like more? Fallon? Or Kimmel?

    1. Oh my goodness -- that's a tough question! We tape Fallon every night so I guess I would have to say him. But Kimmel is so good too!

  3. You must see Hacksaw Ridge, it was very good!

    I made those pretzels last night because I can't pass up a pretzel recipe and Keith ate all the ones I couldn't get my hands on. They were that good! :)

  4. My husband and I have been wanting to see Hacksaw Ridge! It looks really good!

  5. I've got a lot of catching up to do before the Oscars! Cannot wait! I love this time of year!

  6. I need to up my game--I have only seen Manchester by Sea and have the same thoughts that you did. I really REALLY wanted to like it, and there were parts that I did (and I've def been thinking about the movie since I saw it...) but overall, it felt like something was missing. And it ended and I wanted more, or less. I don't know really.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing! I love that you used to have your own red carpet :)

  7. Can't believe it's Oscar time already!!! I am soooo behind on movies, but I want to see Hidden Figures...heard wonderful things about it!
