Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - January 5, 2017

Hey guys - Happy New Year!  How has your 2017 been so far?  I have to admit, I love the start of a new year.  It's such a clean slate to begin new things or revamp old habits.  So for this first Thinking Out Loud Thursday in 2017 I'm thinking about one of my true passions and how I'm going to improve it this year.

The true passion I'm thinking about today is my love for reading magazines.  If I could, I would subscribe to every magazine published.  My hearts does a little happy dance when I pull open the mailbox and see my monthly magazines inside.  A huge downside to subscribing to so many magazines is I have a very hard time parting with them.  This year I want to stay current on my monthly reading and actually throw the magazine away when I'm finished reading it.  What do you do with your read magazines?  

I am adding a few magazines to my subscription list this year because the deals on Amazon are just too good to pass up.  Here is a couple that are on sale for $5 for a whole year.  Oh my goodness, for $5 you are bound to get your money's worth!

One of my all time favorite magazines, Real Simple, totally disappointed me with their January cover and lead story.  Say Yes to Saying No -- what?!?  I a firm believer in saying yes!  What we need to do is learn to find joy in the act of saying YES.  Nothing great ever came out of a bunch of no-sayers!

           Image result for real simple magazine

This was the first edition for the new editor, Leslie Yazel.  She began her Editor's Note by saying how she recently refused to bake a pie for her daughter's school and how good it felt.  Woman -- you could have baked a pie WITH your daughter and had memories that lasted a life time!  That could have felt REALLY good!  Maybe instead of our first thought being how do I say no, it should be how can we make the task fun and joyful.

So, as you can see I've read my Real Simple January issue and now I'm tossing it in the recycle bin.  This year is off to a great start!

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up below and share.  I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. We've been letting a lot of our magazine subscriptions go and I try to follow their blogs or read them for free with my kindle through Amazon prime. It sure isn't the same but it cut down on a lot of clutter and I was feeling so guilty throwing them away each month as soon as I had read them.

  2. I agree with the magazine love Penny!! My mom & I share them, so at least one other person can enjoy them after we're done!
    When my husband & I were on sabbatical, we'd go to the library to read them!!

  3. Man I don't have any magazine subscriptions, but I did love reading them when i had the time. Do you cut out the articles you like/think you might do, put them in a scrapbook? My mom had so many magazines when they moved, it was hard to part with them too.

  4. I used to love magazines when I was younger! I think now, with the whole blog thing, that has been my go-to. And if not blog-reading, I'll read off my Kindle. Oh, technology!

  5. I have a lot of magazine subscriptions. I love to share different articles with others.

    Thanks for hosting
