Friday, March 17, 2017

Five on Friday - March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We are headed to Kansas City to celebrate with our friends.  Do you have big plans?  Eric and I both love corned beef and cabbage so we enjoyed it for dinner one night this week.  Here's some other things we've enjoyed this week and are looking forward to enjoying in the week to come~

1.  Irish Slang
Well horse!  If you are out and about today, I thought you might need to know some of Irish slang.  Good luck sounding a little Irish today. Erin go bragh!


2.  Beauty and the Beast
Excited to see this one in the theaters!  Ian was a baby when the animated version was released in 1991 and when he was little we watched it about 128742874 times.  This version seems a bit more grown up.  Emma Watson was on the Ellen show and she's just darling.  Seeing her made me even more excited to catch this version in the theaters.  Here's a bit of trivia for you ~  Ryan Gosling was offered the role of the Beast, but turned it down to appear in La La Land (2016) instead. Emma Watson was offered the lead role in that film, but turned down that film to star in this one.  Filming was completed by August 27, 2015, more than 18 months before the film's release.

3.  Ritz Bacon Flavored Crackers
Eric brought some of these home and I think they will become a staple in our pantry.  So good!  I have no idea how long these have been on the market, but I'm sure glad we tried them.  I'm thinking of all the recipes I have that calls for Ritz crackers and which ones will be even better now if I use the bacon flavored version.  Oh the possibilities!!

4.  Spring is Coming!
Even though many of us have had to endure freezing temperatures and snow this week - hold on.  Spring officially begins on Monday, March 20!  Bring on the warm weather!  Anyone else out there looking forward to spring and everything it has to offer?!?

5.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Have a wonderful weekend and if you are going to be drinking green beer today, please be careful.  I'll see you next week!

Linking up with:
Why Girls Are Weird

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  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you + yours, too! And ohmygoodness, #5 made me LAUGH!!

  2. I am so excited to see Beauty and the Beast. Love reading your movie thoughts!

  3. I am super excited about Spring. Even though it brings A LOT of yard work along with it. Can't wait!

  4. We are planning on seeing Beauty and the Beast tonight! Can't wait. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Jessy |

  5. Happy Saint Patty's Day! Hope you're wearing your green! ;)
    Those Ritz bacon crackers look absolutely delicious. Throw some cheese on it and I think I found myself a new favorite snack!

  6. Happy St. Pat's Day! Im celebrating with margaritas and mexican with the ladies tonight! and am super duper excited to see the new B&TB on Tuesday! Yay! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Happy St Patrick's Day! Hope you have a great trip! I'm not sure how I'm celebrating yet but I'm sure I'll find something!

  8. LOL that meme at the end--you always find the best ones! I loved Beauty and the Beast as a kid and can't wait to see the new one. And hope you enjoy your KC St Pat's celebratin' :)

    Thank heavens Spring is almost here. I can't with this weather lately!

    XOXO and have a great weekend!

  9. Happy St. Patty's - hope your day is filled with luck!
    Bacon flavored crackers?! YES!! Sounds delish!
    Cannot wait to see The Beauty and The Beast!
    Have a fab Weekend, Penny xxx

  10. Happy Friday Penny! I hope you're being festive, per usual, and celebrating with your hubby and/or both friends, this evening. :)

    Oooh Bacon flavored Ritz, that sounds intriguing. You guys (Americans) have so many more flavors of EVERYTHING in the U.S., it's crazy!

    Have a great weekend hun. xo

  11. I need to watch beauty and the beast. Reading lots of St. Patrick's day posts today. Happy weekend.

  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I know about half of the Irish slang - I'm quite surprised. haha

    I'm SO excited to see Beauty and the Beast. I knew Emma was originally going to d LaLa Land, but I didn't know Ryan Gosling got offered the part of the Beast. I'm glad it's two British actors though.


  13. Oooooh, I am soooo excited to see Beauty and the Beast!!!

  14. Beauty and the Beast is my second favorite Disney movie behind Aladdin. I am SO excited to see it in theaters. Have a great weekend lady!

  15. I am going to see Beauty & The beast on Sunday and i am so excited i may pee myself, jk. That has always been my favorite Disney movie. I had a green doughnut today from Krispy Kreme to celebrate St. Patrick's day. Happy Friday!

  16. I can't wait to see Beauty and The Beast! Let me know how you like it!

  17. I am so glad that Spring is coming - although we've been very fortunate enough to not have a bad winter season. Hoping you have a great weekend.
