Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - March 9, 2017

Hey there from Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Glad you popped in and hope you link up below to tell us what you're thinking out loud about today.

Today is a very special day in my life and that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  Twenty-six years ago I stepped into the most important role of my life.  I became a mother for the first and only time to my son, Ian.

From the moment those eyes looked into mine, I knew my life would never be the same.  Every thought and action since that day I've taken him into account.  

I have to be honest, I miss mothering a little boy.  From the birthday parties to play dates to reading bedtime stories, I miss every second of it.  

Ian has always been by my side.  He stood up with me and Eric when we were married, looking so handsome and proud.

And he has made me over the moon proud on so many occasions!  

The first twenty-six years of his life have been full of fun and rarely a dull moment.

Ian, we are looking forward to the years to come and are sure they will be even better than the years that have past.  Happy birthday!  We love you!

So what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share your thought!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. Awww...happy birthday to Ian...and to you for all the hard and fabulous work!!

  2. You've got a beautiful son and a beautiful family! Happy birthday Ian! <3

  3. Aww what a sweet post <3 happy birthday to your handsome son--you must be so proud!!


  4. Awww, happy birthday to your son! Those are lovely family photos!

  5. Aw what a sweet reflection on a life-changing day! Seems like you've raised a great son. Congratulations to you and happy birthday to him!
