Thursday, May 18, 2017

Five on Friday - May 19, 2017

We've made it to Friday!  We have had fabulous weather this week and the warm temperatures has me so excited for summer.  It's been great to be able to take a walk during lunch and I love seeing the miles accumulate on my FitBit.

The warm temps definitely had an influence on my five today.  Check them out ~

1.  National Strawberry Day
It's a sure sign that summer is coming when you can pick fresh strawberries.  Enjoy National Pick Strawberries Day on Saturday.  Eric and I love going to Eckert's, a local farm, and pick fresh berries.   Do you have a place to pick near you?

2.  Ice Stick Trays
These ice cube trays make the perfect shaped ice sticks for your bottles of water.  I bet they would also be perfect for Swell bottles.  The set sells for $8.99 and comes in a set of 3, making 30 ice cubes at a time.  Because the narrow shape, they freeze quickly.  I use normal-shaped ice cube trays to store my earrings.  I'm thinking these would be great to hold necklaces.

Does the warm weather make you sweat?  Like really sweat to be point of pitting out your shirt?  Or do you dramatically perspire when you get nervous?  Well, these babies might be your answer.  Don't worry about raising your arms.  There will be no wet spots there!  Underarm shields are highly absorbent and hypoallergenic.  They firmly attached to your clothes and you can just throw them away at the end of the day.  Click HERE to get some for yourself.

Kleinert's - 24 (12 Pair) Disposable Underarm Dress Shields From Kleinert's From $4.79 to $24.99

Is there a trip to the beach in your future?  Bet you could use this set of 4 mesh sea shell bags to gather your beach finds in.  They come in four different colors so it would be easy to identify which bag belongs to which person.  Get all 4 for only $13.99.  Click HERE to grab some.  Girls weekend coming up?  These would super cute goody bags.  Add a beach towel, magazine and a bottle of sunscreen for an adorable gift.  

5.  Summer Reality....

                    If only my teeth were as white as my legs!  Dentaltown - Dentally Incorrect:

Have a great weekend!  I'm headed to a friend's house tonight for a Scandal viewing party.  Looking forward to ganging out with some gal pals!  Tomorrow we're having dinner with Kayla and Ian.  Hopefully in between I'll get a ton of chores done.  See you soon!

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I've wanted to go to eckerts to pick something other than apples but just never have made it yet. I hope the apple crop is better this year, I was very disappointed last year.

  2. Smiling over the white legs . . . yesterday, I wore shorts for the first time this season. Also those mesh bags would be great year round for swimming at the Y.

  3. I love strawberry picking, but had no idea there was a national day for it! Usually our local u-pick doesn't have them ready until June.

  4. I love the idea of those ice cube trays! I might have to give them a try! And the weather by me won't be great for berry picking, but I do want to take my son to a berry farm near us this year at some point!

  5. Ha! Love that last one. I'm super white! Those ice cube trays are awesome. We missed going strawberry picking last year, but I definitely want to go this year. Have a great weekend!

  6. I don't watch scandal, but the viewing party sounds fun! I love those ice stick trays!! I definitely could use those.


  7. We have similar ice trays. Makes it so much easier! And yes, my legs are looking a tad light LOL

  8. I NEED some of those underarm shields! Those could've saved me many shirts to date, holy I can't even imagine.
    I hope you had a great weekend Penny. ;)

  9. Whoa, those ice stick trays seem so cool! I need some of those for the upcoming summer months!
