Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - June 1, 2017

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Hope you link up below and share what you are thinking out loud about today.

When I typed the date in the post title today, I kind of did a double take.  How did June get here so quickly?!?  I'm so glad summer is upon us, but what happened to spring?  Time is just going by way too fast these days!

Today I'm thinking out loud about last weekend.  Eric, Kayla and I traveled to Kansas City for the annual washers tournament and, more importantly, a graduation.  Kelsey is the youngest daughter of my friend Linda and she graduated with honors on Sunday.  Talk about time going by quickly -- how she is old enough to be graduating from high school is beyond me!!

I was lucky enough to be able to help with the decorations for the graduation party.  It always amazes me how a little paper can be transformed into some awesome decorations.  Here's a picture overload of a few of the items used to set the festive mood ~

All the die cutting was made possible by my favorite toy, the Silhouette Cameo.  If you are into crafting and don't have one, you should definitely add it to your wish list!

At various times throughout the weekend, the gathering of family and friends shared stories of Kelsey as she was growing up.  Kelsey was a rather rambunctious child so there were plenty of crazy stories that kept everyone laughing.  The story I shared was one from a visit Linda and her daughters made to my house when Kelsey was around 3 or 4.  Kelsey was sitting at our kitchen table having a pudding snack when she decided she didn't want anymore and banged the container down with quite a bit of strength.  The pudding flew in the air, hitting the ceiling fan and proceeded to literally whip all over the ceiling.  We were stunned!  Good thing I love you Kelsey!

When the party was over and we all piled in the car to head back to Linda's house, we started giving Kelsey bits of advise.  Linda said something so profound I'm still thinking about it and feel it is definitely blog-worthy.  Her advise to Kelsey was to be present.  Show up for your life.  I couldn't agree with her more!

How many of us make the choice to not do things because it takes a bit of effort?  Or the drive is a bit too long?  Or (fill in the blank)?  There are always reasons NOT to do things.  But there are also thousands of reasons TO do those same things.  Trust me, more times than not the little bit of effort you put forth will be so worth it!  The memories you make by "showing up" are worth it.  Those are the things that make life fun and interesting.  Time does go by fast and we all need to pack as much living into our days as possible.

What advise would you give a high school graduate?  What advise do you wish you would have paid more attention to when you were graduating?

Now it's your turn -- what you are thinking out loud about today?  Can't wait to read your posts!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
This is How We Roll
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Congrats to Kelsey!! There's so much advice to give, but just living life is the best thought!!

  2. Wise words from your friend. Congrats on her graduation, that's such a fantastic accomplishment.

    By the way, I need to hire you if I ever plan any party. You always make everything look great and so put together. You're a very talented lady, Penny.

    1. Thanks! If you ever need anything, just let me know. I'd love to make stuff for you.

  3. The best advice I was given when I graduated and that I give to others is - trust in yourself. You know more than you realize. And looks like a fun celebration!

  4. Big Congrats to the Grad!! I love that you guys went all out to celebrate her! I love the "show up to your life" Such good advice!

  5. I have a Cameo and I LOVE it!! It definitely makes decorating so easy!

  6. Congrats to Kelsey! Looks like it was a fun weekend :)

  7. Congrats to Kelsey - those decorations are too cute! I think that's wonderful advice!


  8. Congrats to Kelsey! I love the decorations. I love crafting, but I don't have a Silhouette Cameo...yet.

  9. Congrats to her. Go out and be happy. That is the only thing I wish for in new high school graduates.
