Friday, July 14, 2017

Five on Friday - July 14, 2017

Happy Bastille Day! This week flew by for me and here we are at Friday already.  Today is a special day at our house.  Eric and I were married 16 years ago today!  Happy anniversary Eric.  Love you!  Thanks for helping me with all my shenanigans!

Before we start our anniversary weekend, here are my five for this week ~

1.  Smirnoff Ice Orange Screwdriver
We were at our neighbor's house last weekend and I tried one of these Smirnoff Ice Orange Screwdrivers malt beverages.  Loved it!  It's going to be my new drink of the summer.  The fresh citrus flavor really hit the spot.  Have you tried them?  Smirnoff makes other flavors also if orange isn't your thing.

2.  The Big Sick Movie
This movie was kind of a sleeper to me in that I hadn't seen a lot of previews before this week.  It looks hilarious!  It opens today and is definitely on my list of movies I want to see.  Here's the Rotten Tomato summary, "Based on the real-life courtship between Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, THE BIG SICK tells the story of Pakistan-born aspiring comedian Kumail (Nanjiani), who connects with grad student Emily (Kazan) after one of his standup sets. However, what they thought would be just a one-night stand blossoms into the real thing, which complicates the life that is expected of Kumail by his traditional Muslim parents. When Emily is beset with a mystery illness, it forces Kumail to navigate the medical crisis with her parents, Beth and Terry (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano) who he's never met, while dealing with the emotional tug-of-war between his family and his heart. THE BIG SICK is directed by Michael Showalter (HELLO MY NAME IS DORIS) and producer by Judd Apatow (TRAINWRECK, THIS IS 40) and Barry Mendel (TRAINWRECK, THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS)."

3.  Fridge Monkey
We got a new gadget for the fridge this week and it left us wondering why we hadn't bought it years ago.  With summer here we seem to have so many more bottles and cans rolling around in our refrigerator.  This baby allows you to stack soft drink cans, beer bottles or wine bottles neatly so they are not rolling around all over your shelves.  It really maximizes your storage allowing you to maximize your space.  If you need one (or two), click HERE.

4.  SD Card Reader
One of these slick devices came with my camera bundle (which I'm loving!) and it is amazing!  The rest of the world might already know about these, but it was my first exposure.  You can just pop out the memory card from your camera, put it in this device, plug it into your computer and VOILA - your pictures can be downloaded.  No more hooking up the wires from your camera to the computer.  It makes downloading your photos so much easier.  This one happens to be on sale from Amazon for only $7.99.  Click HERE to check it out.

5.  Makes you wonder...
I see the single shoe on the side of the road all the time, and I can't help but wonder how this keeps happening. It's a real issue, apparently.

Hope your weekend is wonderful.  We are trying a new restaurant tonight and headed to the Muny tomorrow night.  Should be a fun few days!  See you next week.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Ok, that fridge monkey contraption looks genius! There is definitely something about summer that brings so many more cans and bottles into the fridge.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys have a good weekend celebrating :)

  3. That fridge monkey looks so cool. Love the SD card reader.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you! I hope you have a good time celebrating! I want to see The Big Sick, I think it looks good. And I just love the name of the Fridge Monkey device, lol!

  5. Fridge monkey. So genius!!

    I really want to see theBig Sick (though I kind of hate the title, truthfully). It's everything I look for in a movie so I hope it's not disappointing!! Please share your review!

    And last but certainly not least, wishing you and your hubs a very happy anniversary!!! Xoxo what a gorgeous pic of you both!

  6. I've always wondered about the 1 shoe thing too. Lol that's funny. Happy anniversary to you two. That is awesome!! I really want to see the Big Sick. I've heard great things. Have a great weekend.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a wonderful celebration!

  8. Penny,
    I hope you had a fantastic weekend and celebrated your anniversary all throughout! Congrats! xo

  9. The Fridge Monkey would be handy to have. That Smirnoff drink looks good. I'll have to give it a try. Happy anniversary! Here's wishing you many more wonderful years together.
