Friday, July 21, 2017

Five on Friday - July 21, 2017

Happy Friday!  I'm downright giddy to get this weekend started!  We have girls weekend in Kansas City and I can't wait to hit the town with my friends.  Before I get on the road, let me share my five for this week ~

1.  National Junk Food Day
It's one of my favorite days - National Junk Food Day!  Give me some salty snacks and I am one happy camper.  Ahhhh, junk food - you know, the stuff that is high in fats, sugars, salt and calories and contain very little nutritional value. I might grab some good ole' junk food to snack on for my drive to KC today.  What's your junk food guilty pleasure?  #NationalJunkFoodDayNational Junk Food Day July 21

2.  Lay's "Do Us A Flavor" Contest
Speaking of junk food, it's that time of year again -- the time has come to vote for this year's finalists in the "do us a flavor" annual Lay's contest. The three finalists are: Fried Green Tomato, Everything Bagel and Crispy Taco. Voting starts on Monday, July 24 and goes through Sunday, October 8 through or with the hashtag #SweepstakesEntry and your choice of #VoteFriedGreenTomato, #VoteEverythingBagel or #VoteCrispyTaco. The winner is going to get $1 million!! I'm most excited about trying the Fried Green Tomato. What flavor are you craving?

3.  Luggage Bag Bungees
Have you seen these Luggage Bag Bungees?  If you are anything like me, I pile my carry on bag on top of my suitcase and try to maneuver through the airport.  My carry on is usually teetering precariously atop my other bag, sometimes toppling over causing us to stop in the middle of the walkway.  I can feel the other traveler's eye rolls as they try to dodge my luggage laying all over the place.  In an effort to alleviate that stress, I'm going to give these bungees a try.   A package of two is under $20.  Want some?  Click HERE.

4.  Dunkirk
Dunkirk opens today and it's definitely on my list of movies I want to see.  Here is Movie Insiders summary, "Miraculous evacuation of Allied soldiers from Belgium, Britain and France, who were cut off and surrounded by the German army from the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, France, between May 27- June 04, 1940, during Battle of France in Word War II."  This fact-based story is getting rave reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

5.  Party animal.....

Damn dog ruined it for all the other  smoking and drinking, skateboarding dogs.

Hope your weekend is full of fun!  Hey - if you happen to be in Target and want a Starbuck's handcrafted tea beverage to cool you down, they are 1/2 off through Monday with the Cartwheel's deal.  

We have an action-packed weekend planned in Kansas City.  One of things we're doing is going to the Foodie Chick Event on Saturday night.  Well, that is, we're going if we find our way out of the Escape Room we're going to Saturday afternoon.  Can't wait!!  See you next week.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Thank you for sharing about the offer at Starbucks!!! I've got it loaded and will use it later today. As for the potato chips, I have to agree with you that I might lean toward the Fried Green Tomato but I also love Tacos!! Hope it's a great day!

  2. That sign is hilarious! I can't wait for Dunkirk. I also had no idea that it was national junk food day.

  3. How did I not know that there is a National Junk Food day?! That is awesome. I really want to go see Dunkirk. I have always been fascinated with World War II and love war films.

  4. I cannot stop laughing at that sign! And I had no idea about the Starbucks deal. I am going into Cartwheel and getting that loaded now! I think Fried Green Tomato gets my vote too! Have a great weekend!

  5. Junk Food Day?! Sign me up!
    Ok, I want the everything bagel chips.... Wait.. I do love tacos too.
    Have a great girls trip.

  6. TACO CHIPS?! Where have those been all my life?! Ha! I'd LOVE to try them! Who knew today is National Junk Food day. Now I have an excuse for eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast :) I've always wanted to do one of those Escape Rooms--You'll have to let us know how it is! Have a great weekend!!


  7. National Junk Food Day! I love it hahahhaa. There's a day for everything! Well, I guess I should go celebrate!

  8. All 3 of those chips sound delicious!!!

  9. National Junk Food day is a day that I can stand behind - as I bite into this 7th strand of licorice.

  10. national junk food day?! sounds pretty fun to me :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. Sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned! I love all junk food, but I'd have to say fries are my favorite. I'm not sure about the chips, but I guess I'd try the everything bagel one. Can't wait to hear if you "escape" !!!

  12. Penny! Just getting around to your humble abode now as I worked pet visits all weekend long. How was your weekend? Good, I hope. Do you look up days of the year every single day or do you have a list? That's one thing I've noticed about you, you're very up on the days of the year, like National Junk Food Day. I did not know that, of course, but I played part and had some Doritos yesterday and boy were they good. :)

    Have a great week, Penny. Take care of yourself. xo

  13. haha that dog photo is hilarious! He does seem like a lot of fun. I entered the contest for the Oreo flavor, not that I think I'll win by any means, but it was fun to try and think of something they had not done yet.

    I really want to see Dunkirk! Hopefully soon.

    Hope you had a nice girl's weekend.


  14. LOL love that dog photo hahaha. Omg that crispy tacos lays flavor sounds amazing. I used to be obsessed with the garlic bread flavor, I wonder if it is still around... I try to avoid buying them bc I would eat the whole bag in a sitting =P Hope you had a great girls weekend!
