Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - July 13, 2017

Hello there!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  This week is scooting right along.  Summer has definitely hit St. Louis - we have had temps in the 100's all week.  It's HOT!  But that's how you know it's summer, right?!?

With our vacation fast approaching, I am thinking out loud today about one thing I want to make sure we do while we are away.  Isn't it funny how we plan and plan for a vacation, then in just a few short days it's over.  We will be spending seven days in Paris and my goal is to make sure each day is full of adventure (and the trip there and back is as painless as possible).  I don't want to come home and catch myself saying, "I wish we would have...".

One thing I want to make sure to do while we are in the City of Lights is send postcards to family and friends back home.  My friend, Tracy, sent us a postcard when she visited Hawaii early this summer and it was so great to open the mailbox and pull it out.  Her token from the tropic is still hanging on my frig and each time it catches my eye I smile.  I want to give my family and friends that same feeling!

Do you send postcards when you're on vacation? Years ago that used to be such a thing. It makes me kind of sad that something so sentimental went to the wayside. People - WE NEED TO BRING BACK POSTCARDS! They are so fun! If you are mailing a postcard in the US, the postage is 34 cents - well worth the smile you are going to put on the face of the lucky person plucking it out of their mailbox.

Click HERE to purchase
Back when my daughter-in-law was in college, she had a true love for Greece. She purchased a bundle of sent postcards off Ebay of Greek scenes and such to make a bulletin board collage. It was the coolest thing. Had I known then that years later I would be writing a blog, I would have definitely taken a picture of it to share with you!  Many had messages on the back and as she progressed through her Greek language classes, she could decipher the words and capture the essence of what the sender was sharing with the recipient.

The Propylaea of the Acropolis in Athens
The postcards were written in a variety of languages, which made the bundle that much more precious.

Just think, someday it might be my postcards people are reading!  My future great grandchildren, nieces and nephews can read about that crazy old Penny's adventures.  

So that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  What's on your mind?  Link up and share your thoughts.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
This is How We Roll
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I don't by postcards much anymore, Penny!! But they can be such great memories!! I do think half the fun of a trip, is the actual planning itself!!
    I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time in Paris!!!

  2. Paris! How exciting. And I continue the tradition of sending postcards. People love 'em.

  3. I use to love sending postcards but now no one does it anymore. It would be fun to start again!

  4. Postcards are the best! I just got one in the mail from a friend of mine at the end of June and it just made my whole day! I hope you have a blast in Paris!

  5. I hope you have a great trip! I love sending and receiving post cards. It's such a great way to let someone know you're thinking of them when you're away, and sharing a piece of your trip with them. Plus the photos are always so pretty! :)

  6. That's a cool idea your daughter had! I really need to remember to do postcards. I've gotten some in the past few years and they ARE really fun to receive.


  7. Hope you enjoy Paris and the postcards. That is a pretty cool idea. Thanks for hosting and have a great time.
