Thursday, August 31, 2017

Five on Friday - September 1, 2017

Happy Friday!  Let's hear it for September.  And welcome to a holiday weekend!  Eric and I have had a productive week and I'm ready for a little bit of relaxation over the weekend.  Of course, I've loaded my to-do list up with many, many more things than I know I could physically accomplish so we'll see how much relaxing actually gets done.  :)

It's been fun recapping our trip to Paris on the blog.  If you missed it, you can see Day 1 HERE and Day 2 HERE.  More Paris updates will be coming next week, but today is Friday and you know what that means -- Five on Friday!  So here's my five for this week.

1.  National Food Bank Day
National Food Bank Day is timed perfectly this year because our friends in Texas could use all the help they can get.  Hurricane Harvey has left thousands of people not knowing where their next meal will be coming from.  Please consider celebrating this national day by giving to the following organizations:   Galveston County Food Bank, Food Bank of Corpus Christi, and the Houston Food Bank.

National Food Bank Day - First Friday in September

2.  Tulip Fever
We just saw a preview for this film on our date night Tuesday and it looks very intriguing.  Tulip Fever opens today.  Rotten Tomatoes says this about the film, "In 17th Century Amsterdam, an orphaned girl (Alicia Vikander) is forcibly married to a rich and powerful merchant (Christoph Waltz) - an unhappy "arrangement" that saves her from poverty. After her husband commissions a portrait, she begins a passionate affair with the painter (Dane DeHaan), a struggling young artist. Seeking to escape the merchant's ever-reaching grasp, the lovers risk everything and enter the frenzied tulip bulb market, with the hope that the right bulb will make a fortune and buy their freedom."

My friend Linda loaned me this book and I was hooked from the first sentence.  Here's the summary from Amazon, "Madeleine is trapped—by her family's expectations, by her controlling husband, and by her own fears—in an unhappy marriage and a life she never wanted. From the outside, it looks like she has everything, but on the inside, she fears she has nothing that matters.

In Madeleine’s memories, her grandmother Margie is the kind of woman she should have been—elegant, reserved, perfect. But when Madeleine finds a diary detailing Margie’s bold, romantic trip to Jazz Age Paris, she meets the grandmother she never knew: a dreamer who defied her strict, staid family and spent an exhilarating summer writing in cafés, living on her own, and falling for a charismatic artist.

Despite her unhappiness, when Madeleine’s marriage is threatened, she panics, escaping to her hometown and staying with her critical, disapproving mother. In that unlikely place, shaken by the revelation of a long-hidden family secret and inspired by her grandmother’s bravery, Madeleine creates her own Parisian summer—reconnecting to her love of painting, cultivating a vibrant circle of creative friends, and finding a kindred spirit in a down-to-earth chef who reminds her to feed both her body and her heart.

Margie and Madeleine’s stories intertwine to explore the joys and risks of living life on our own terms, of defying the rules that hold us back from our dreams, and of becoming the people we are meant to be."

Click HERE to check it out.


4.  Pumpkin Pie Kit Kat
Fall is on everyone's mind so bring on all the pumpkin flavored everything.  Nestle jumped on the wagon this year with pumpkin pie flavored Kit Kats.  Have you spotted these babies in the store yet?  If so, go ahead and break yourself off a piece of that pumpkin pie Kit Kat.  Enjoy!  

5.  Did you know.....

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Have a great weekend!  We are having dinner with Ian and Kayla tonight and I'm going to a party on Sunday afternoon.  I'm looking forward to getting a couple craft projects tackled and some organizing done (it's really cleaning, but I like the sound of "organizing" better).  See you back next week!

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Hmm, I don't know about the Pumpkin Pie Kit Kats. I am a big fan of the original, so it's hard to mess with that, lol. And that darn refrigerator, hehe. Have a great weekend!
    The Beth Next Door

  2. I hope you have a great holiday weekend! If the weather isn't bad, I have a couple things planned so I'm excited!!

    I'm curious about Tulip Fever because I love Alicia and Dane.


  3. Oh, both that book and movie sound like stories I would LOVE. Thanks for sharing your list,Penny. The food bank is a good idea. I've donated to the Red Cross. It feels like so little one can do to help from across the miles. Have a great weekend!

  4. Oooooh I really want to see that movie! Sounds very interesting (and on par with the book you mentioned, which also seems to focus on a woman trapped in her marriage. Is it weird that I'm drawn to those kinds of stories the most, too?).

    The pumpkin Kit Kats I can get behind! But really I'll take anything fall related :)

    Hope you have a great holiday weekend, Penny! XOXO

  5. I just saw the trailer for Tulip Fever, and it looks like a gorgeous film!

  6. Hey Penny,
    I hope you had a great weekend back. I've been enjoying your Paris recap posts, although have not commented and have been looking forward to them. Normandy was stoically beautifully. I've not been, I only made it up to Callais, the town just outside of where Vimy Ridge is in the north of France. Normandy was/is a place that I'd love to visit on another trip over to France.

    Have a great week my friend.
