Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - August 10, 2017

Hey guys -- welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm all kinds of busy, so today's post is going to be pretty short, but I hope you have time to link up below and share what's on your mind.

Today I'm thinking (and being thankful) for growing up in a small town.  Last weekend we traveled to my childhood home of New Florence, Missouri for the 137th Annual Old Settler's Picnic.  This event is always held the first full weekend in August and it's something I try my best to attend every year.

Saturday starts off with a parade down Main Street led by a Grand Marshall with an array of firetrucks, floats, and candy.  Lots and lots of candy!

What followed in the afternoon was good old fashion family fun.  While the adults walk in the cake walk, the kids had tons of fun in the corn pit and bounce house.  I have to say, I wish we would have had a corn pit in our backyard instead of a sand box because the corn was a whole lot easier to brush off than sand ever was!!

We played bingo, watched the baby show, princess contest and queen contest, and capped it all off with a dance.  In between we had the best fish sandwiches fried by my dad.  Speaking of baby show -- my niece and nephew both won 1st place in their age category!

My friend Linda drove in from Kansas City to enjoy the day too!

There's something to be said for small town America.  People actually wave when they pass you on the street.  The sky is illuminated at night with stars because all the city lights aren't diminishing them.  You know your neighbors.  And there's people who volunteer to make events like Old Settler's possible.

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. It looks like a lot of fun! I too grew up in a small town (and became thankful later in life). This small town girl couldn't wait to fly her wings once she went to college (haha)... Thanks for hosting!

  2. My mom grew up in a small town and will talk about things like this!! I've been a city girl my whole life, so it's hard to imagine!!

  3. There are so many benefits to growing up and living in a small town. I was raised in one and I've always loved the community and knowing who your neighbors are. :)

  4. Wow, very interesting and looks like a wonderful time. To be honest, I don't know if I could live in a small town. I was born in San Francisco and have lived my whole life in the San Francisco Bay Area. The population of the nine-county Bay Area is about 7.6 million which is about two million more than the state of Missouri.

    Small cities do have things like your parade and stuff. To me, I know I would have a hard time adjusting.

    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful day.

  5. I love small towns. I grew up in a town of 36,000 but now live in a town of 500. I love historic downtowns with the old school feel. Simple life.
    Looks like you had a great time.

  6. Looks lovely! I grew up in a small town as well and I always enjoy going back to see family and old friends. I love your "Thinking out loud Thursday" post format and I will try to join soon.

  7. I always love the stuff you go to!

  8. Sounds like so much fun! Congrats to your niece and nephew. And that corn pit looks like fun! My nieces and nephew would love it.


  9. Congrats to your nieces and nephews on their wins!
