Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - August 24, 2017

It's time for Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Hope you link up below and share what's on your mind today.

I'm still thinking about our trip to Paris.  It was such a wonderful vacation and I would be lying if I said I was glad to be home.  Wandering around the city of lights was awe inspiring.  It was our first trip to Paris and it was all we had dreamed it would be.

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

Eric and I each made a list of five "must do" things we hoped to get accomplished on this vacation.  Here's our lists ~

Eric's List
See the Eiffel Tower
Eat pastries

Penny's List
Have a picnic under the Eiffel Tower
Take a river cruise
Enjoy the street cafes

Happy to report that we were each able to check off all the items on our lists!

I'll be sharing our experiences over the next few weeks.  For now, let me just share some of our photos ~

Image may contain: night, sky, outdoor and water

We did many more things that weren't on our top five, but I'm so glad we had the list and checked off the items.  The one thing I didn't want to happen was to be on the flight home and talk about the things we wished we would have done.  We may have had long days, but in the end they were so worth it!  

What are some things you do to make sure your vacation is all you want it to be?  I would love to hear your secrets!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. What an incredible time, I bet. How smart to each make a list of what you want to do!!

  2. I've been to Paris 3 times -- the first 2 without my husband, where I wasn't all that impressed with the city, but the last with him (and our daughter in my belly), when I totally fell in love with the city and now "get it." :)

  3. We are going to Paris at the end of September, and I can't wait. Looking forward to reading about your travel adventures!

  4. Love all the pictures! Looks like you had an amazing time!
    The Beth Next Door

  5. What a fantastic trip! Can't wait to hear all of the details!

  6. Never been to Paris. I would love to go. Great pictures.

  7. Looks like you had a great time! Paris is on my to do list and I can't wait to go taste every pastry in sight!

  8. I've been to Paris once on a high school trip through Europe. I'm like you in that I always go with a list of "must see/do/eat" on vacations! I usually don't go to the same place more than once (because there are so many other places to see!), so I try to pack everything I can into that one vacation and come away with no regrets. Looks like you had a great trip- love the picnic by the Eiffel Tower!

  9. Love your photos. I have never been to Paris, but would love to visit.

  10. I love that you each crossed off the items on your must-do list. I've only left the U.S. once and it was to London last year and it was amazing, but I'd love to go back and do more! Paris is another place I'd like to visit - my sister has been and loves it, so I know she'd go with me. Love that you had a picnic by the Eiffel Tower.


  11. Very lovely photos. Paris is a place I really want to visit.

    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
