Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Fall Mug Exchange Review

Hello there!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Today I'm thinking out loud about the Mug Love Exchange I just participated in and can't wait to show you the adorable new mug I'm adding to my collection.

 Let me back up and start from the beginning.  I love reading Stephanie's blog at Wife Mommy Me.  She wrote about hosting a Mug Love Exchange and I only had to think about it for a nano second before I was filling out the form to participate.  I have to say that I'm a huge fan of the exchanges!  It's fun to learn about other bloggers through their posts and shop for a few items specifically for them.

A week or so later Stephanie's email notifying my match arrived in my inbox.  I was delighted to see I was paired with Johannah over at The Sirois Family blog.  She has a beautiful family and a brand new puppy.  She's a true coffee fan and it was easy to pick up a few things I thought she would enjoy.  Here's what I sent to her ~

My box arrived and was waiting for me when I got home from work.  Don't you just love when you get home and you have a little surprise waiting for you?!?

I barely got my purse off my shoulder before I was ripping into the box.  Johannah - you hit the nail on the head when picking out my mug package!

Being a tea lover over coffee, the Rae Dunn mug had the perfect message.  She also included a tin of tea and lemon honey sticks.  Perfect combination!  I have a feeling my new tea mug will have my hands wrapped around it quite frequently.

Thanks Stephanie for organizing this fun exchange and Johannah for putting together the perfect mug exchange box for me!

That's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  What's on your mind?  Link up and share below ~

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. Aw, I love that she got you some fun tea items! I don't like warm drinks (I know, I know, I'm crazy) but I LOVE mugs. They are just too fun.


  2. I am SO glad your package arrived on time and that you enjoyed it! I fell in love with the mug when I found it and instantly knew I had to get it for you! Thank you again for all of my fun goodies as well! =)

  3. I'm a tea drinker, too! That package was perfect! Thanks for joining the swap!

  4. What a fun package! I love the little owl card she sent too! I wish I had known about this one, this would have been fun! I'll have to watch to see if she does one again!
    The Beth Next Door

  5. Great stuff! I got my swap partner Rae Dunn too!

  6. Simple mugs are my favorite. I love yours!

  7. I love that mug! So cute. I'm a big tea drinker, so that would be perfect for me too. It's so fun to do exchanges with other bloggers too.

  8. I love how simple and perfect that mug is.

  9. Fun seeing your mug -- that swap looks like it was so much fun!

  10. A mug exchange! Thats genius! I haven't seen honey sticks in minute! I need to find me some to go with my nightly tea! Hope you are having a great week Penny!

  11. That mug is super cute! I love Rae Dunn mugs!!!

  12. Love exchanges like these! I have way too many but love finding new ones!

  13. Oh, that is a beautiful tea mug! I love mug exchanges (I organzined one around Christmas time last year) and it was so much fun to see how thoughtful people were in putting those mug packages together! ;)
