Monday, October 2, 2017

Weekending - September 29, 2017

Hey there everybody!  Been a bit preoccupied so the weekending post is coming a little late.  I had one of those weekends where things were great, then all of a sudden something happens that rocks your world, making you realize things can change so quickly and how precious life is.  Let me explain ~

Friday night we met Kayla and Ian at Cooper's Hawk to wish our favorite waitress, Karly, good luck in her new adventure.  She has been fabulous to us and we consider her a friend.  As sad as we are to see her leave Cooper's Hawk, we are just as excited she will be working in her degree field and wish her the best!  Love you Karly!! 

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to head to Jefferson City and meet up with three friends.  One of them was my friend Linda, who you have read about a lot if you've read my blog for five minutes.  The other friends, Donna and Gina, were two of our sorority sisters from our Alpha Xi Delta days.  

Gina made each of us special wine bottle cork necklace with our initial.  We all loved them!!  Every time I wear it, I'll be thinking of our fun weekend.

We hopped on the Amtrak in Jeff City and headed east to Hermann, Missouri.  Hermann is home to many wineries and we managed to go to three of them.  I'm going to do a separate post on the wineries we visited, but can't resist sharing a couple fun photos from our day ~

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling

As soon as we arrived, we jumped on The Hermann Trolley.  This is a fantastic service!  No advance reservations are required and there was a trolley waiting at the Amtrak stop.  This hop on and off trolley service will makes stops at each of the most memorable wineries in the Hermann area for only $20 a day!  That's a real deal!  The drivers were great and the rides between wineries offered a true party atmosphere.  

We were missing one of our sorority sisters who couldn't make it.  Thank goodness for Facetime!  We just got her on the phone so we could say hello.

After an afternoon of fun, the Amtrak delivered us back to Jefferson City safe and sound.  Hermann was so fun Eric and I are planning another trip there later this month with Kayla and Ian.  

The evening was spent enjoying much girl talk and Mexican food.  It had been far too long since we had caught up with each other so there were lots of stories to tell!  

Remember in the beginning when I said something happened that made me realize how precise life is and how quickly things can change?  Well, very early Sunday morning the sound of a text coming in on my phone woke me up.  A very close friend texted that she was catching a flight out because she had gotten word that her son had been in a terrible accident where two people were killed and her son was critically injured.  

Her son was a thousand miles away and laying injured in a hospital.  Isn't that every parent's worst nightmare!  Please keep them in your prayers.  The next several days are going to be critical.

On my way back home, I stopped by my parents house and got to visit with them and my niece, nephew and great nephew.  I have to say, seeing my great nephew's sweet face made my heart happy.

A full post on Hermann is coming later this week.  And hopefully I'll have great news to post about my friend's son.  Until then, enjoying the beginning of October!


  1. I'm glad you had a good weekend - I have been through the wineries in Hermann before, you have quite a wine country there! I'm excited to read your next post. I'm so sorry about your friend's son though, you are right, life is precious and things can change so fast.
    The Beth Next Door

  2. I hope your friend's son is OK and makes a full recovery. That is really my worst nightmare. Up until then, your weekend looked like a lot of fun. I LOVE that necklace your friend made. Beautiful and creative.

  3. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. That's terrifying but I hope he pulls through okay!

    I'm glad you had a nice girl's weekend. The trolley sounds very handy, and I LOVE that necklace!


  4. I always love reading about your adventures. Fun pictures. I LOVE that necklace.

  5. Sounds like a really great weekend! :) I really love that wine cork necklace, so pretty and creative.

  6. Oh my goodness...I’m sorry very sorry to hear about your friend’s son :( keeping him in thoughts and prayers. I loved through a fatal car accident and I know how emotional that can be so sending so much <3

    Glad you were able to spend some time with your gfs for a weekend..there’s nothing quite like that bond, eh?!


  7. Your nephew is adorable. That necklace is very pretty. Hopefully your friend's son is okay. Said a prayer for him.
