Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fall Bucket List Check Up

Hey there!  Today's the day we're talking about our Fall Bucket Lists.  I'm joining some other blogger friends to do a little check on where we stand.

I'm going to be honest, I had kind of forgotten what was on the list.  Fall came and I have been busily going about my business and haven't reflected back to this list one time.  Let's see how I've done ~

Enjoy A Girls Weekend with My Sorority Sisters
This is currently being planned and I'm so excited about it I can hardly stand it.  My friend Linda and I are joining two of our sorority sisters for a girls weekend later this month.  It's been years since we spent a chunk of time with these girls and it will be wonderful to catch up on each other's lives.
Check this off the list!  Me and three of my sorority sisters had a wonderful trip to Hermann, Missouri.  You can read all about it HERE.

Visit a Winery
Eric and I are joining our son and daughter-in-law for an overnight in Hermann, Missouri to visit the wineries there in October.  We are so looking forward to having this little getaway with them!
We spent a great weekend with Kayla and Ian in Hermann.  As an added bonus, my parents joined us for part of the time too!  It was a great family weekend.  My post about it is HERE.

Send Some Snail Mail
With Halloween and Thanksgiving on the horizon, it's the perfect time to make some cards and put them in the mail.  Who doesn't like getting fun stuff in the mail?  I want to be the person to put a smile on some one's face when they peek inside their mailbox.
Hey -- I did this too!  My Silhouette has been busy lately.  I made some fall towels and mailed one to my friend, Linda, in Kansas City.  Haven't mailed as many cards as my original plan.  Need to get on that.

Try a New Pumpkin Recipe
Pumpkin recipes are everywhere this time of year and we love pumpkin stuff.  What better time than Fall is try a new recipe.
Nope.  Nothing on this yet.
Take in the Leaves Turning
I've been several places lately with beautiful landscapes and thought how amazing they would be when the leaves are turning.  I'm hoping Eric and I have the opportunity to revisit a few of them when the leaves are at their peak.
Check!  Eric and I took a trip to Louisville just as the leaves were peaking and we saw beautiful hillsides with brilliant fall colors.  We drove outside of Louisville to Taylor Made Farms and Maker's Mark.  That drive will absolutely breathtaking.  Recap HERE.

Make Apple Butter
It's been YEARS since I made homemade apple butter.  This item is really two-fold because first I want to find the long-lost recipe I once used for apple butter making.  It's in my life somewhere, I just don't know where.  Wish me luck locating it!
Nope.  Nothing to report on this item.
Attend Book Club at the Novel Neighbor
There's an  adorable little bookstore in Webster Groves, Missouri that holds an open book club every month.  They post on their website the date and book and everyone is invited to attend.  I've been  thinking about going for a while now.  This month I actually took the step of purchasing the book.  Now I just need to get it read and attend the book club!  Will I see you there?
Can I have a half check on this one?  I did buy the book.  I did start reading the book.  But then I really didn't like the book enough to finish, so I skipped the actual get together.  The following month I wasn't going to be available on the meeting night.  Soooo, I'm still hoping that one of the months I'll attend book club at the Novel Neighbor.
Decorate for Halloween
This is on the list as a motivation item.  Since the Fall decorations made such a late arrival at my house, it would be so easy to skip over Halloween and move straight into Thanksgiving.  But I love my Halloween decorations, so I'm adding it to the list in hopes it motivates me to actually do it.
Guess what -- I didn't get out a single Halloween decoration this year.  Part of it was because I was just too lazy to do it and the other part of I was truly loving my fall decorations and didn't want to put them away.  Oh well, there's always next year!
See Ed Sheeran in Nashville
We missed seeing our friend Ed in St. Louis because his concert was cancelled.  He'll be in Nashville in October and I'm going to be there to see him!  See you soon Ed!
Check!!  My friend, Debbie, and I had an absolute blast seeing Ed Sheeran in Nashville.  You can read about it HERE.  We even got into the Bluebird that weekend.  Oh, the memories!!

Get a Jump on My Christmas Shopping
Raise your hand if you would like to get your Christmas shopping done early.  My thought is if I get the shopping done early, then I'll have more time to wrap.  Wrapping is always a last minute thing at my house and this year I'd like that to be different.  Perhaps this is the year that we'll have a stress-free Christmas season. One can always dream, right?!?
Well, I'm not as far along as I would prefer to be, but some progress has been made.  That's something, right?!?
How are you doing on your Fall bucket list? Glad I took a minute to look at my list - now I need to get busy checking a few more of the items off.


  1. Ah! Did you say Christmas shopping?!!!! I'm sssoooooo behind on that!

  2. It's so funny, I was just thinking of my own Fall bucket list yesterday and how I was doing with it. I think I've done pretty well. I can't believe Fall is almost over!
    The Beth Next Door

  3. For not having stayed in touch with your list, you're doing really well checking things off--and they sound wonderful. Enjoy the last of your fall! Winter's on the way.

  4. I think we can cut you some slack on the book club and Christmas shopping for sure!! I just started my shopping this week. And persuaded my adult daughters and their fellas to cut back on what we buy for one another. It has gotten WAY out of hand!

    Yay for spending time with sorority sisters. What sorority were you in? I loved my sorority experience my freshman year but then I transferred from a small private school to a huge university where Greek life was completely different.

    Ahh, Maker's Mark...that reminds me of frat parties! My mom and brother and family live in Lexington. We visited the Woodford Reserve last visit home. Lovely area.

    By my calculations, all you are lacking is making apple butter and something pumpkin. Well done!

  5. Man. I could go for a girls' weekend. Wait, I have those all the time with my daughters! I also have a box of pumpkin spice Cheerios in the pantry I haven't been brave enough to try.

  6. You've done so well with your list, Penny. Enjoy the rest of your autumn!

  7. I think you did pretty good with your fall bucket list - and you still have lots of time! I keep meaning to do an update post; I might do that for next week!


  8. Hi Penny, I love Fall and the colours are stunning. I live in Queensland Australia which has a more tropical climate so alas I have to make do with the photos from your post. You have done some fun things and I bet you enjoyed the get together with your sorority sisters. It is always fun to catch up and talk about times past.
