Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Ornament Exchange Reveal

This year I participated in an ornament exchange hosted by Johannah who blogs over at The Sirois Family.  Johannah and I became blog friends back in September when I participated in a mug exchange and was paired with her.  When she posted that she would be hosting an ornament exchange, I quickly jumped on the band wagon.

When the pairing for this exchange arrived in my mailbox, I might have let out a little squeal of joy when I saw my match.  I was exchanging ornaments with Shelly from The Queen in Between and she's been a blogger I've followed for quite some time.

The package arrived and the box was so pretty I almost hated to open it.  But the lid was quickly off and check out what was inside ~

So much good stuff!!  For starters, the card actually made me laugh out loud!  Shelly not only sent me an ornament, but lots of extras too!

But let's just chat about the ornament for a second - GORGEOUS!  This Li Bien one is available from Pier 1 and I love it!!  One side has the date on it so I'll always be able to remember when it joined our ornament collection. 

Shelly -- you really nailed your package to me and I appreciate the effort you took putting it together in this very busy season.  Thanks to Johannah, too, for hosting such a fun exchange.

If you would like to see the package I sent to Shelly, you can check it out HERE

Do you do an ornament exchange?  I love adding a few every year and this new one is perfect!


  1. What a fun exchange! I love the ornament she sent, it's festive and very pretty!
    The Beth Next Door

  2. It was such a fun exchange! Both of your ornaments (yours and Shelly's) are so cute!

  3. Oh how beautiful. That's great that the year is on the back. I love that she added some extras too!


  4. This ornament (and package!) is so gorgeous!! I’m totally kicking myself for not joining...what a fun exchange!
