Friday, December 29, 2017

Five on Friday - December 29, 2017

Hello friends!  Here we are at the last Friday in 2017.  How did that happen?!?  This year has flown by!  I'm not going to lie, the thought of a new year always makes me a little excited.  So many fun things are already planned for 2018.  But let's get on with the last Five on Friday for 2017 ~

1.  Instant Pot Miracle Cookbook
How many of you got an Instant Pot for Christmas?  I got one for my birthday in November and am looking forward to taking full advantage of this hot appliance to pull suppers together in the new year.  I also received this cookbook - Instant Pot Miracle.  It's full of recipes I can't wait to try!  If you're looking for some ideas for your Instant Pot, add this cookbook to your collection and see the miracles your instant pot can pull off for you.  Click HERE to purchase.

2.  Winter Trilogy Books by Erin Hilderbrand
While on Christmas break, I've read four books.  Talk about a nice break!!  Erin Hilderbrand hooked me with her Winter Trilogy Books, which is actually a four-book series.  Winter Street, Winter Stroll, Winter Storms, and her final book Winter Solstice introduces you to the Quinn family and the Winter Street Inn located in Nantucket.  Each heart-warming novel is full of dysfunctional family shenanigans and leaves you anxious to read the next book in the series.  Have you read them?  

                             Winter Solstice (Winter Street) by [Hilderbrand, Elin]

Eric got me this sweatshirt from American Eagle for Christmas and I just might leave it on until spring.  It is seriously the most soft, cozy sweatshirt I've ever owned.  And it's on sale right now!!  You have to check it out!  I got the gray one that says Shine On.  It's also available in a red Peace version.  It's in my cart right now!  Click HERE to check them out.


I'm thinking I need one of these for the office desk.  It conveniently holds your cell at an angle that's easy to view.  You can view your cell or tablet at a glance without having to pick up the phone.  I'm also thinking you could face time while being hands free with your phone.  Yes, I definitely need one.  You too?  Click HERE.

5.  Happy New Year's!

New Year's Eve

Hope you have a fun and safe New Year's!  I'm headed to Kansas City to celebrate with friends.  It will be an evening full of games and good times.  I'm going to post an egg casserole recipe tomorrow that would be wonderful to serve on New Year's Day.  Hope you pop back in and check it out.  

Happy New Year's everyone!

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. I really think I need to get an Instant Pot! Everyone is just raving about it! Your New Years plans sound very fun! Enjoy!!
    The Beth Next Door

  2. I have read all the Winter Street books and just LOVED them! I read the first three last December and was thrilled to see a new book in the series this December.

  3. I read the first Elin of that series, gotta read the rest!

  4. Love! That meme is perfection. I like the cell phone holder. That would be a good way to charge it by my bed. Happy New year!

  5. I got an Instant Pot for Christmas & just used it for the first time tonight - I like it! I do need the recipe book, tho. I didn't realize you could cook the whole meal in it, too!
    I'll be doing close to the same thing for New Years Eve... :)

  6. I need an Instant Pot. My sister in law used hers a lot over Christmas and I'm just super jealous. I'd definitely need the cookbook too though.

    Ooh cute sweater! I love soft sweaters.

    Happy New Year!


  7. I need to get more adventurous with my Instant Pot and I could be using it more than I am.... I must check out this recipe book, thanks for the suggestion Penny.
    Loving that cell phone stand, too. Much better than lying flat and useless on my desk at work.

    Have a lovely evening my friend. :)

    Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the very best for this year and beyond.
